Information leaflets and self help

At NUH we provide written information to patients, carers and relatives on a wide range of areas. This includes general information about our hospitals and specific information about some procedures, treatments, medication, medical conditions and services.

Contact us

Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87184


PALS & Complaints Team
South Block, C Floor
Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust
Queen's Medical Centre
Derby Road


Internet research and rare illnesses

Internet research

We encourage our clinicians (doctors, nurses and allied health professionals) to work together with patients and their families to make well-informed judgments based on local and international guidance, supported by their training and experience, so that the best care and treatment decisions can be reached based on what is right (at that time) for individual patients. 

We support our patients and their families to access and research information about health conditions and latest available treatments on the internet. However, we ask that this information is treated with some caution, as much online information can be unverified and unmoderated and may not be specifically applicable to an individual patient's care.

The NHS (and NUH) cannot offer every possible treatment that may be described on the internet or via social media (including treatments available in other countries in other health systems).

Our clinical teams will endeavour to signpost patients and families to appropriate online resources, support groups and clinical trials where these are available.


Rare illnesses

We understand that being diagnosed with a rare illness can be very frightening for patients and their families. Information on rare conditions is often extremely limited and can leave patients and carers feeling isolated.

We recognise the importance of good communication between patients and clinicians under these circumstances. Very often patients can become experts in their condition, through their own research. Our clinicians will endeavour to work in partnership with patients to share, exchange and discuss all available knowledge. We will do all we can to offer and support the best, evidenced-based information to our patients and their loved ones so that the right decisions about care and treatments can be made.

Self Help Nottingham

Self Help Nottingham is a charity with over 30 years' experience of supporting and promoting self help groups. It offers a range of services for groups, professionals and other people interested in self help groups. For more information on all of the services below visit their website at:

Directory of self help groups in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

A paper directory with full details of over 200 self help groups and 100 useful contacts. Produced every year, it has been recognised nationally by the Department of Health as vital for all health and social care professionals.

Intranet directory of self help groups:

A digital directory of self help groups, now available to NHS staff in most primary care, acute and mental health trusts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Updated every month, this directory offers staff and patients up-to-date information on over 200 local groups.

Online listings of self help groups: 

Summarised online listings of new and established self help groups, local self help agencies and other information. Available on the Self Help Nottingham website at:

Training and support for self help groups:

A range of support services, training and networking opportunities is available for people in self help groups.

Information and enquiry service:

Tel: 0115 911 1661 between 9am and 1pm Monday to Friday or email: