Visiting Information

We know it is important for you to visit your loved ones and we  recognise the benefits of visits. Therefore, as long as the ward  you are visiting does not have any active cases of infectious viruses (e.g. Covid-19, norovirus), we welcome 

  • Open visiting is from 11am-8pm on most of our wards
  • No more than two visitors per patient at any one time
  • We welcome and encourage visiting at meal times to help 
    patients with nutrition and hydration

To attend a visit, you must meet this criteria:

You must be well (free from cold/flu symptoms or diarrhoea 
and vomiting).

  • In some limited areas with vulnerable patients, you may be 
    asked to wear a surgical face mask (this will be provided)
  • Some wards may require you to wear additional Personal 
    Protective Equipment (PPE), this will be explained
  • You must use hand sanitiser/wash your hands when you 
    arrive and leave
  • You should bring as few personal belongings with you as 
  • You must not wander around the ward or interact with other 
    patients. Please be considerate to other patients.

Children's Hospital visits

In addition to the information above:

  • One parent / guardian / carer may be resident with a child at 
    any one time

Maternity / Neonatal

  • Two birthing partners can be present to support during labour.
  • One birth partner is able to stay overnight and have 24-hour 
  • Up to two additional visitors can come into the ward during 
    open visiting (11am-8pm)
  • Siblings of the baby can come into the ward during open 

Outpatients and Emergency Department

  • You may bring one adult with you for support if needed, however if you don’t need additional support, please consider attending alone to avoid overcrowding at busy times.
  • Two parents/responsible adults may accompany a child/young person to their outpatient appointment or the Emergency Department.
  • If you are attending outpatients and are unwell with any viral symptoms or diarrhoea or sickness please contact the department to discuss if you should attend or not.

Exceptional circumstances

We are aware that in certain circumstances a patient may require additional support outside of open visiting times from family members or carers whilst in hospital or attending appointments, particularly patients who:

  • are receiving end of life care.
  • are going to be told bad news.
  • are unable/have difficulty understanding/retaining the information being conveyed to them.
  • require a visit to meet their health, emotional, religious or spiritual care needs.

In these circumstances, please contact ward and department managers (e.g. nurse in charge of ward) to discuss and agree what is possible.

Infection prevention and control measures

All visitors will be asked to comply with the infection prevention 
and control measures, and to understand that these measures may be subject to change in future according to Government guidance.

These guidelines aim to protect you, your loved ones, our staff 
and visitors.

Restrictions can change very quickly; we apologise in advance if your visiting attendance or appointment cannot be honoured for the safety of patients, staff and visitors.

We ask people attending our hospitals to stay calm and respectful. Our staff are being asked to maintain regulations for everyone’s safety.

Abusing our staff for any reason will not be tolerated; anyone doing this will be asked to leave the ward or department immediately.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support in protecting your loved ones, our patients, our staff, yourselves and the wider community


  • Please do not visit the hospital if you are unwell with cold-like symptoms or diarrhoea and vomiting symptoms
  • Please do not sit on the bed. If there are no chairs available please ask a member of staff to provide you with one
  • Any children visiting must be supervised all the time, so that they do not touch equipment or dressings
  • Make sure you wash your hands on the ward or use alcohol gel before and after visiting a patient in hospital, and follow advice on notices of side room doors

If you have any concerns or questions about cleanliness or infection control please speak to the nurse-in-charge on the ward.

Can children visit?

Older children can visit during open visiting. Children under 5 are advised to visit only by appointment and after discussion with the ward.

What can I expect when I visit a loved one?

  • Precautions: hand gel is available at entrances and on the wards. Please sanitise your hands. Keep left on corridors, and avoid crowding if using the lifts.
  • Face masks: you will not need to wear a face mask except in some limited areas where patients are vulnerable. You can still wear a face mask if you have a personal preference to do so. Masks will still be provided at entrances.
  • Personal belongings: please bring as few personal belongings as possible.
  • Arriving at the ward: please arrive during visiting hours or at your allocated time. Press the buzzer and wait to be let in.
  • Clothing: remove coats before entering the ward, and roll up sleeves to the elbow to allow for hand hygiene.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE): if a ward requires you to wear PPE (for example a special type of facemask, apron or gloves), staff will guide and support you. 
  • Space: you may be asked to step away or leave the area if there is not enough room for our staff to provide care for your loved one.
  • If you need help: please use the bedside call bell if you need anything or need to leave earlier than planned. Please avoid walking around the ward.