Volunteers are vital and valued members of Team NUH
With ever increasing demands on hospital services nationally and locally, hospital volunteers are becoming ever more important playing a significant role of extra complimentary care and support. Nottingham University Hospitals recognises Volunteers play a vital complementary role in the daily workings of our hospitals see volunteers as valued members of Team NUH.
There is a wide range of opportunities to volunteer across different wards, services and departments in our hospitals.
To apply for any of the roles on this page, including our new Nottingham Hospitals Charity, Youth Volunteer Project, use the forms below.
For roles at Hayward House, please contact us direct to discuss whether this type of role would be suitable for you and if Hayward House are holding recruitment periods.
Volunteers are vital and valued members of Team NUH. We believe having volunteers at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) further enhances and enriches the service provided by our staff. The extra support and time volunteers are able to offer installs an extra dimension to the care we proudly provide.
Our volunteer aim is to:
‘Provide a personal service which compliments the provision of clinical care for patients served by ‘Nottingham University Hospitals’
Individuals are welcome to join NUH in a range of volunteering opportunities, participating within one or more of our three campuses with a minimum six months agreed placement offer. We have diverse volunteering roles on offer, from Meet and Greet volunteers, Meal Time Ward assistants, Hayward House Day Case and Ward Assistance to Patient and Public Involvement Volunteering Groups.
NUH is an Acute Trust that provides a range of services to our local communities. Our patients have individual needs and many are vulnerable. We therefore have strict volunteer recruitment conditions that consist of:
Please note Volunteer recruitment can take between 10 to 15 weeks to complete
The Trust holds the right to withdraw any volunteering application at any time or withdraw any current offer of volunteering should this be deemed necessary under the terms of our policies or behaviour standard guidelines.
All applications submitted either by paper or electronically will be processed via our online e-mail notification process. All potential candidates are required to supply a working e-mail address on their application for further processing. Our Voluntary Services department can offer further advice and support with this process as needed.
Successful volunteers will be issued with an identification badge which bears their photograph, name and identifies them as a volunteer. This must be worn at all times while on duty as a volunteer or when representing the Trust off-site.
Volunteers will be supplied with and must-wear uniforms as appropriate for the area they are volunteering within.
Each time a volunteer attends NUH to do voluntary work, they must sign in and out at the designated point shown to them on induction. If a volunteer is unable to attend, it is important to let the volunteering department know as soon as practicable. The telephone number of your department is on the back of this leaflet.
Meal vouchers are available for volunteers who volunteer for four hours or more per day. Details of issue will be supplied at your induction.
It is unreasonable to expect volunteers to be out of pocket because of their involvement in volunteering at NUH. The reimbursement of out of pocket expenses has in the past enabled individuals to be able to fund their journeys to the hospital to undertake voluntary work. Details of how to claim will be supplied at induction.
Other useful information about the facilities at NUH and relevant policies and procedures is contained in the ‘Volunteers Information Pack’ issued at interview. Please read this and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to come to the office and ask.
Need an application sent by post?
To ask for an application form to be sent to you by post please call our application line 24 hours a day:
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 85318
You can also email a request to: nuhnt.nuhvoluntary.services@nhs.net
Accountant Airline pilot
Articled clerk of a limited company Assurance agent of a recognised company Bank/building society official
Chairman/director of limited company Chiropodist
Commissioner of oaths Councillor (local or county)
Civil servant (permanent) (excluding those who work for the HMPO) Dentist
Director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered company Engineer (with professional qualifications)
Financial services intermediary (for example, a stockbroker or insurance broker)
Fire service official Funeral director
Insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company Journalist
Justice of the peace
Legal secretary (for example a fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and Personal Assistants)
Licensee of a public house Local government officer
Manager/personnel officer of a limited company Member, associate or fellow of a professional body
Member of Parliament Merchant navy officer
Minister of a recognised religion, including Christian Science Nurse (RGN and RMN)
Officer of the armed services (active or retired) Optician
Paralegal (certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals) Person with honours (for example, OBE or MBE)
Photographer (professional) Police officer
Post Office official
President/secretary of a recognised organisation Salvation Army officer
Social worker Solicitor Surveyor Teacher/ lecturer
Trade union officer Travel agent (qualified)
Valuer or auctioneer (fellows and associate members of the incorporated society) Warrant officers and chief petty officers (excluding those who work for HMPO)