Maternity services
Our hospitals provide maternity care for more than 8,000 women every year
At NUH Maternity, we know that having your baby is the start of a new journey.
Whether you have a home birth, early discharge, or a longer stay in the hospital, we aim to provide you with support and care in this transition to a new stage in your life.
You may experience a variety of emotions after the birth of your baby. For more information on this, please see:
If you have a home birth or an early discharge from hospital, your midwife will provide details of the hearing screen clinic and arrangements for the newborn examination. If any abnormality is detected, follow up will be arranged with you.
Routine postnatal care consists of 3 routine support visits.These will be offered by a midwife and/ or midwifery support worker.
The first visit will be in your home, then there will be a choice of home or clinic visits offered. Where extra support is required, this will be arranged on an individual basis.
The baby will be weighed between day 5 and 8 of age, and a Newborn Blood Spot is recommended at this time.
It is important to consider which form of contraception you wish to use after the birth of your baby.
You can get pregnant again before your periods have restarted, even if you are fully breastfeeding.
All progesterone only methods (e.g. progesterone only pill, contraceptive injection, coil, implant) can be safely used while breastfeeding.
You may be offered an appointment to meet with members of our multi-disciplinary team to discuss events surrounding your birth. If there has been a complication during your birth, our team will discuss this with you.
If you have not been offered an appointment, but feel you wish to discuss pregnancy or birth events, you may request an appointment.
You can speak to your midwife, or if you have been discharged, ask your GP to refer you for a postnatal review.
Your appointment will usually be longer than a routine clinic visit, and will take place at a meeting room outside of the clinic setting.