If the ward you wish to contact is not listed above, please see our QMC Ward list here: QMC Wards

Or alternatively, call our Switchboard on 0115 924 9924

Paediatric Critical Care Unit (PCCU)

Welcome to PCCU, we are a 14 bedded unit spread across 2 clinical areas; intensive care and high dependency, for children 0-18 years old.

We take routine and emergency admissions from the local area and from surrounding hospitals.

We care for children and young people with a wide range of conditions, requiring high to intensive levels of observation and clinical care. Our specialties include:

  • Major trauma, Renal, Oncology/Haematology, Spinal/Orthopaedic,
  • Neurology/ Neurosurgery, ENT/Cleft lip & palate, Respiratory, General
  • Surgery and Burns/Plastics.

Parents are provided with a room to stay in for the duration of their child’s time on PCCU, where possible, and provide vouchers towards food and drink, as well as emergency toiletries and fixed parking rates for parents of children requiring a longer stay.

Usually parents can visit at any time day or night and extended family can visit until 8pm.*

*However, due to COVID 19, currently only 1 parent can visit at a time and are asked to swap over off the unit to limit the number of people in the clinical area. Parents on the unit will be asked to wear a surgical facemask while away from the bed space. This will continue until further notice.

Where are we?

E Floor

East Block



0115 9249924

PICU Ext: 81232

HDU Ext: 89041

Children's Ambulatory Care Unit

Welcome to the Children's Ambulatory Care Unit

Ambulatory Care is a pre-operative, day case surgery and medical day case treatment unit made up of six recliner chairs and two side rooms, two play rooms and a parents’ kitchen fully stocked with snacks, sandwiches and drinks for patients post-surgery. B floor day case is made up of seven recliner chairs, a large play area and waiting area pre-operatively. Both units are multiple speciality, treating some or all of the following:

  • General surgery
  • Maxillofacial (jaw and face – MaxFax)
  • Orthopaedic
  • Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
  • Ophthalmic (eyes)
  • Dental
  • Infliximab infusions
  • Allergy testing
  • Plastic surgery

Contact us

Tel: 0115 924 9924
Ext: 86147 (D Floor Ambulatory Care)  86359 (B Floor Surgical Day Case)

Additional information for visitors

Most children who come to Ambulatory Care are day case patients however some patients may begin their hospital journey on Ambulatory Care before going on to another inpatient area.

Opening times

7am-7pm Monday – Friday (some days on B Floor Day Case are 7am-3pm)


Contact us

Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 89033


Our location

East Block
D Floor


Getting to us

You will need to use a lift or scale stairs to access this serivce.


Contact us

Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 89034


Our location


East Block

D Floor


Getting to us

You will need to use a lift or scale stairs to access this serivce.


Ward D35 has 15 beds made up of three bays, three side rooms, a parents' kitchen, playroom, and children's bathroom. It is a multiple speciality surgical ward treating the following:

General surgery (Day Case and complex surgeries)

Surgical Gastroenterology

Burns and Plastics

Additional information for patients and visitors to Ward D35

Ward D35 works closely with a variety of specialist teams, including: Gastrostomy Nurse Specialists, Burns Nurse specialists, Pain Nurse specialists, Dietitians, Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists.

Contact us

Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 89035

Our location

Ward D35

East Block

D Floor

Getting to us

You will need to use a lift or scale stairs to access this serivce.

E40 - Children's Neurosciences

Ward E40 is a 12 bedded children’s neurosciences ward specialising in neurosurgery, neurology, neuro-oncology and neuro-rehabilitation of children and young people. Our ward team regularly works alongside the multidisciplinary team to ensure our patients receive as much support as possible to support their recovery.

During a child’s admission, we provide facilities for one parent to be resident at their child’s bedside. Should you require any additional information prior to your hospital stay please contact the ward on the phone number below.

Speciality Information

Children’s Neurosurgery - https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/neurosurgery-childrens-hospital

Children’s Neurology - https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/childrens-neurology

Children’s Neuro-oncology - https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/childrens-neuro-oncology

Children’s Epilepsy Service - https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/childrens-epilepsy-service

Visiting Information

Parents are able to visit anytime, however we ask that all other visitors come between 8am and 8pm only.

Contact Us

Tel: 0115 924 9924

Ext: 80284 / 80285

Our Location

Ward E40

East Block

E Floor


Theatre Recovery

Welcome to Theatre Recovery

A member of ward staff will escort you and your child down to Theatre Recovery Reception where you will wait your turn to be called to Theatre. Only one parent/carer can accompany the child into the Anaesthetic room, where the child will go to sleep and you can kiss them goobye. You will be escorted out by the staff member and taken back to the ward.

The recovery area is a large bayed room which cares for adults and children post-operatively. We provide 1:1 nursing care during the initial recovery period. Once the child is awake and comfortable, parents will be invited down to be with their child. Please be mindful that some children take longer to wake up than others and that is perfectly normal. The recovery area is busy and bright at all times but we have distraction techniques such as interactive books, TVs and DVD players to make the recovery experience as positive as possible.

The child will remain in recovery until they are well enough to go back to the ward. Patient escorts will help transfer your child back to the ward with a nurse. 


Contact us

Ward staff will keep you informed of your child's progress


Our location

Main Recovery, C Floor, East Block

ENT Recovery, D Floor, ENT Building

Children's Surgical Day Care Unit, B Floor, West Block 


Additional information for patients and visitors 

Theatre recovery staff work closely with a number of healthcare professionals, such as surgeons from every speciality, scrub nurses, Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs), patient escorts, Nursing Associates, student nurses and clinical support workers.