Urgent and Emergency Care
QMC is a regional centre for emergency and major trauma care
Many factors affect our health and wellbeing including finances, feeding our families, heating our homes, mental health worries, physical health worries and community or family support.
Here at NUH we have a Health Improvement team in Urgent and Emergency Care with dedicated Link Workers based in the QMC Emergency Department to help recognise patients needing extra help to live a healthier life aiming to prevent long term illness - we want to embed a culture of health promotion and injury / disease prevention in our pathways.
You can access the resources here to support you to make lifestyle choices which will help you live longer, happier, healthier and more independent lives. At NUH we want to ensure everyone has access to support available in Nottinghamshire and ensure all the information you need to make the first steps is easily available here in one place.
We know many people need support to reduce their alcohol intake. There are a range of services to help you do this or to help you if you have family or friends affected by alcohol. You can self-refer to the services here and find out more in the links below.
Nottingham City
Nottingham Recovery Network
Opening hours and contact information - Nottingham Recovery Network
Nottinghamshire County
Change Grow Live
Nottinghamshire referrals | Change Grow Live
National Support
Find alcohol addiction support services - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
If you have been affected by a loved one’s alcohol or substance misuse you can contact Hetty’s for emotional help and support here: Hetty's Charity | Support for Families Affected by Drug and Alcohol Misuse (hettys.org.uk)
We know many people need support to quit smoking for good. There are a range of techniques to help you do this. You can self-refer to the services here and find out more in the links below.
Nottingham City
Thriving Nottingham
Thriving Nottingham | Helping you to live well and feel great
Nottinghamshire County
Your Health Notts
Quit Smoking - Your Health Nottinghamshire (yourhealthnotts.co.uk)
National Support
We know sustainable weight loss and keeping physically active can be tough. We have a range of support services available. You can self-refer to the services here and find out more in the links below.
Nottingham City
Thriving Nottingham
Lose weight - Thriving Nottingham
Nottinghamshire County
Your Health Notts
Weight Loss - Your Health Nottinghamshire (yourhealthnotts.co.uk)
National Support
If you are having difficulty accessing healthy food for you and your family, there is help locally to support you. There are a range of services that help you to secure food and other ways that may help to support you. Please share this with people around you as well.
The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of foodbanks and can provide emergency food parcels. In order to get help from a food bank you will need to be referred with a food voucher. Your local food bank will be able to tell you how to get a food bank voucher. Use this tool to find your nearest food bank if you need help: Emergency food - The Trussell Trust
Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice around factors important to people’s lives, including: benefits, employment, debt and money, housing, law and immigration. You can find your local Citizens Advice here: Citizens Advice
Local Advice Centres
St Anns Advice Centre
Robin Hood Chase, St Anns, Nottingham, NG3 4EZ
Call: 0115 9506867
Email: info@stannsadvice.org.uk
Mon, Tues, Thurs 9.00am to 3.20pm
Lunch 12.20 to 1.20pm
Weds and Friday 9.00am to 12.20pm
Bestwood Advice Centre
21 Gainsford Crescent, Bestwood, Nottingham, NG5 5FH
Call: 0115 962 6519
Monday – Thursday 10am-3.30pm
Nottingham Law Centre
119 Radford Road, Hyson Green, Nottingham, NG7 5DU
Call: 0115 978 7813
Open Monday to Friday
9:30am to 1:00pm, and 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Meadows Advice Group
Queens Walk Community Centre, Queens Walk, The Meadows, Nottingham, NG2 2DF
Call: 0115 986 0197
Open Monday to Friday
9:30am to 1:00pm
Clifton Advice Centre
Clifton Cornerstone, Southchurch Drive, Nottingham, NG11 8EW
Call: 0115 940 5551
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10:00am to 1:00pm
Citizens advice
Citizens Advice Nottingham & District, 16 – 18 Maid Marian Way, Nottingham, NG1 6HS
Call: 0808 278 7974
Street Outreach
The Street Outreach Team is at the forefront of work aimed at ending homelessness. They will come and meet you where you are. If you are calling about someone else, they will try to find them based on the information you provide.
They engage with and support people who are sleeping on the streets, whilst working with other agencies to reduce the number of rough sleepers. They can help people experiencing rough sleeping to:
• Find safe and secure accommodation and claim benefits they may be entitled to
• Access medical treatment and get help with drug, alcohol and mental health problems
• Re-engage with estranged family members, return to their home region or home country.
Rough Sleeper 24 Hour Hotline for Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
Call: freephone 0800 066 5356
Text: ‘SOT’ followed by your message to 80800.
Email: streetoutreachteam@frameworkha.org
Housing Aid
Housing Aid delivers the statutory homeless function within the Nottingham City area. If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness we can provide advice, assistance and support.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 09:00- 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00- 17:00
Call: 0115 876 3300
Email: housingaid@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Visit: Customer Hub, Loxley House, Trent Street, Nottingham, NG2 3NG
Emmanuel House
Provides basic services (food, laundry, showers) to people who are homeless in Nottingham
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9.30am-1.15pm
Wednesday: appointment only
Call: 0115 950 7140
Visit: Emmanuel House Support Centre, 53-61 Goose Gate, Nottingham, NG1 1FE
Website: Home | Emmanuel House Support Centre
The Friary
Provides emotional support, practical and confidential advice, hygiene facilities and hot food
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 08:30- 12:00 general drop-in
Tuesday and Thursday: 08:30- 11:00 rough sleepers only
Call: 0115 982 5448
Email: admin@the-friary.org.uk
Visit: The Friary, 46 Musters Road, West Bridgford, NG2 7PR
SFiCE Social Café
People in need can get a hot meal, take a shower and wash their clothes as well as collecting important items for free, such as clothes and sanitary products.
Also offer ESOL classes for those wishing to learn English and a health and wellbeing mentor to give ongoing support to those who need it.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 16:00- 17:30
Call: 07941378265
Email: info@sfice.org
Visit: SFiCE House, 75a Raleigh Street, Arboretum, Nottingham, NG7 4DL
Open Kitchen
Free hot meals for people in need
Monday- Thursday: 11:00-14:00
Friday: 11:00-13:00
Visit: 207 Mansfield road, NG1 3FS
Changing Futures
A specialist service in Nottingham City for people experiencing three or more of the following criteria:
The team hold weekly allocations meetings where all referrals are discussed. Following discussion of your referral at this meeting, you will be contacted by a specialist Navigator to arrange an assessment.
Call: 0800 056191
Email: changingfutures.refs@frameworkha.org
Website: www.changingfuturesnottingham.co.uk
Broxtowe Youth Homelessness
This organisation works with young people aged 16-25 who are vulnerably housed or homeless (including those who are sofa surfing) across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
Website: Making A Real Difference | Broxtowe Youth Homelessness
Call: 01159396760
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHT)
Provide a 24 hour, seven day crisis resolution service that offers assessments to people with significant mental illness who would otherwise be admitted to hospital.
Nottingham City
Call: 0300 300 0065
South Nottinghamshire
Call: 0300 123 2901
Mid Nottinghamshire
Call: 0300 123 1804
Turning Point Mental Health Helpline
The Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline offers access to support for people who need emotional support or information about their mental health.
Website: https://www.turning-point.co.uk/services/nottingham-helpline
Call: 0808 196 3779
Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuary
Help with support, information and guidance if you are over 18 years old and experiencing mental health issues or in a mental health crisis. Free emotional support helpline and drop in. Each sanctuary will have three trained Crisis Intervention Workers who can help you with recovery-focused crisis support in a trusted and consistent space. If required, onward community referrals will be made.
Call: 0808 196 3779
Website: https://www.nottinghamshirecrisissanctuaries.tv/
318 High Road
18:00- 23:00 Monday to Sunday
top of St John Street
16:00- 21:00 Monday to Sunday
Hardy Street
17:00-22:00 Wednesday and Sunday
Nottingham City
The Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate 18:00 to 23:00 Monday to Sunday
Emotional support helpline available 24/7.
Call: 116 123
Website: Contact Us | Samaritans
If you would prefer not to talk but want some mental health support, you could text SHOUT to 85258. Shout offers a confidential 24/7 text service providing support if you are in crisis and need immediate help.
Tomorrow Project
A confidential, community-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention service that will help and support you in times of struggle.
Call: 0115 880 0280
Website: http://www.tomorrowproject.org.uk
Support for people who self-harm and for the parents and carers of young people who self-harm.
Website: Home - Harmless
Wellness in Mind
Mental Health Social Prescribing Service operating from The Wellbeing Hub in Nottingham City. Patients can self-refer on their website or drop in at the Hub.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies
A free and confidential NHS service designed to help with common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Anyone aged 18 years or over and registered with a GP can access support, though a GP referral is not necessary as you can self-refer.
Website: Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies (notts-talk.co.uk)
Call: 0333 188 1060
Email: notts.iapt.admin@notts-talk.co.uk
Al- Hurraya
Help people in Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities to overcome multiple adversities, including addiction and crime, to fulfil their full potential. They specialise in understanding each client’s cultural context to either provide or connect them with practical help that makes sense to them. They work with young people, families and adults.
Website: Home | Al Hurraya (al-hurraya.org)
Call: 0115 7869206 or 07790 351084
Email: info@al-hurraya.org
Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services (Notts SVSS)
Sexual violence support service available to survivors of all genders, aged 18+, offering many services in addition to face-to-face counselling, with male and female counsellors, and Counselling Line services.
Website: https://nottssvss.org.uk/
Call: 0115 941 0440
Juno Women’s Aid
Juno Women’s Aid is the largest domestic abuse organisation in Nottingham and one of the largest in the UK. They work with women, children, and teens who have been affected by domestic abuse in Ashfield, Broxtowe, Gedling, Nottingham City, and Rushcliffe.
Website: https://junowomensaid.org.uk/
Call: 0808 800 0340
Equation is a Nottingham-based specialist charity that works with the whole community to reduce the impact of domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality. They are the only support service in Nottingham offering a male survivor support service.
Website: Equation | Domestic Violence Nottinghamshire
Call: 0115 9623 237
Helping people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
Website: https://www.cruse.org.uk/
Call: 0808 808 1677
Nottingham Refugee Forum
Support for asylum seekers and refugees to rebuild their lives in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
Available Monday-Thursday 10:00-15:00
Website: Everyone deserves a chance to rebuild their lives | Nottingham Refugee Forum (nottsrefugeeforum.org.uk)
Call: 0115 960 1230
Email: info@nottsrefugeeforum.org.uk
Visit: The Sycamore Centre, 33a Hungerhill Road, Nottingham, NG3 4NB
Refugee Roots
A Christian charity that helps asylum seekers and refugees build relationships and navigate the complexities of building a new life in the UK
Website: Refugee Roots
Email: info@refugeeroots.org.uk
Services and referral link: Our Services | Refugee Roots
Mojatu Foundation
The Mojatu foundation began as a charity to end female genital mutilation in Nottingham. They work to support women and girls from Black, Asian, Ethinic Minority and Refugee communities through group support, widening access to healthcare and legal advice.
Website: About Us – Mojatufoundation.org
Visit: Howitt Building, Lenton Boulevard, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2BG
Call: 01157846666
Email: info@mojatufoundation.org
Provide mental health first aid, one to one and group support for mental health to people living in hotels whilst in the process of seeking asylum in the UK (across the East Midlands).
Website: http://www.vanclaron.co.uk/
Visit: 57-63 Boden Street, Nottingham, NG7 3JY
Call: +44 115 784 9407
Email: admin@vanclaronchatscic.uk
Al- Hurraya
Help people in Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities to overcome multiple adversities, including addiction and crime, to fulfil their full potential. They specialise in understanding each client’s cultural context to either provide or connect them with practical help that makes sense to them. They work with young people, families and adults.
Website: Home | Al Hurraya (al-hurraya.org)
Call: 0115 7869206 or 07790 351084
Email: info@al-hurraya.org
Support Services for Young People 11 to 25 years – Nottingham/Nottinghamshire
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to them via our online community, on social, through our free, confidential helpline or our counselling service.
Call: 0808 808 4994
Nott Alone
Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
Kooth provides effective and personalised digital mental health care. We create welcoming communities and services for everyone.
Turning Point Mental Health Helpline
The Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline offers access to support for people who need emotional support or information about their mental health.
The service works alongside the Nottinghamshire Crisis Line, providing personalised advice, emotional support and information on coping mechanisms.
Call: 0808 196 3779
Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Evolution Plus
Evolution Plus is a specialist trauma service for anyone aged 10-24 years old who has been affected by serious violence.
Call: 0115 952 5040
Be U Support
Be U Notts is a free, accessible and convenient mental health and emotional wellbeing support service for people between 10-25 years of age and their parent and carers. The service provides early interventions for children and young people experiencing mild to moderate mental health and emotional wellbeing needs.
Call: 0115 708 0008
Al-Hurraya provide early intervention, education, counselling, mentoring and empowerment to individuals and families from BAMER backgrounds facing a range of disadvantages including: hidden harm, addiction, involvement in crime, gangs and radicalisation, and trauma.
Call: 0115 7869206
Nottinghamshire Youth Service
A network of youth centres and outreach across Nottinghamshire County providing a safe space and activities.
Youth services | Nottinghamshire County Council
Bulwell Riverside Play and Youth Centre
Youth centre run by Nottingham City Council, based in Bulwell.
Bulwell Riverside Play and Youth Centre | Ask Lion - Nottingham City Directory
Young People's Charity | Base 51 | Nottingham
Based in Nottingham and Mansfield, delivering mentoring, counselling, accredited non-formal education, personal development workshops, and through-the-gate resettlement mentoring for young people serving custodial sentence.
Evolve CIC
Evolve offer support, advice, employment and skills training alongside a full programme of health and wellbeing activities. They strive to meet the needs of our community based on identifying their needs and what works for them.
Support Through Sport
Support Through Sport is a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) which uses positive initiatives such as sport, education and mentoring in an effort to engage young people and reduce negative influences
Tomorrow Project
A confidential, community-based suicide prevention, intervention and postvention service that will help and support you in times of struggle.
0115 880 0280
Support for people who self-harm and for the parents and carers of young people who self-harm.
Wellness In Mind
Wellness in Mind provides information, advice and support for anyone in Nottingham experiencing issues with their mental wellbeing. The service will help people understand mental health issues, and connect people to the services which may best support them.
Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services (Notts SVSS)
Sexual violence support service available to survivors of all genders, aged 18+, offering many services in addition to face-to-face counselling, with male and female counsellors, and Counselling Line services.
Call: 0115 941 0440
Juno Women’s Aid
Juno Women’s Aid is the largest domestic abuse organisation in Nottingham and one of the largest in the UK. They work with women, children, and teens who have been affected by domestic abuse in Ashfield, Broxtowe, Gedling, Nottingham City, and Rushcliffe.
Call: 0808 800 0340
Equation is a Nottingham-based specialist charity that works with the whole community to reduce the impact of domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality. They are the only support service in Nottingham offering a male survivor support service.
Call: 0115 9623 237
Nottinghamshire Victim CARE
Providing support for all victims of any crime, apart from those who have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, and can offer support for all ages.
Call: 0800 304 7575
Notts LGBT+ Network
Creating a safe space for people looking for information, advice and help relating to LGBT+ issues, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional well-being. Primarily working with over 18’s but able to signpost to organisations who work with under 18’s.
Call: 0115 934 8485
Helping people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
Call: 0808 808 1677
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking therapies is a free and confidential NHS service designed to help with common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Anyone aged 18 years or over and registered with a GP can access support, though a GP referral is not necessary as you can self-refer.
Call: 0333 188 1060
Anna Freud – On My Mind
On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about the mental health support they want, the treatments they receive and the outcomes they desire. It contains information, advice and resources to help young people support their own mental health, including signposting to sources of support in times of crisis and tools to help young people manage their own wellbeing.
Safety Apps:
Crisis Lines:
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to them via our online community, on social, through our free, confidential helpline or our counselling service.
Call: 0808 808 4994
Kooth provides effective and personalised digital mental health care. We create welcoming communities and services for everyone.
Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Al-Hurraya provide early intervention, education, counselling, mentoring and empowerment to individuals and families from BAMER backgrounds facing a range of disadvantages including: hidden harm, addiction, involvement in crime, gangs and radicalisation, and trauma.
Call: 0115 7869206
Helping people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
Call: 0808 808 1677
Anna Freud – On My Mind
On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about the mental health support they want, the treatments they receive and the outcomes they desire. It contains information, advice and resources to help young people support their own mental health, including signposting to sources of support in times of crisis and tools to help young people manage their own wellbeing.
Connexions provides guidance to help young people (16-19) to make positive decisions about their pathway options and supports them with practical activities such as applications, CVs and interview preparation.
Call: 01332 643915
Got Your Back
‘GOT YOUR BACK’ is there to help anyone under 18 that has been a victim. It doesn’t matter when that was and it doesn’t matter if you reported it to the police or not we are here to help with whatever you need, even if that’s just someone to talk to.
0800 612 6505 / Text ‘COREDVS’ to 82228
Find the Glow
There’s no typical relationship which means there isn’t just one way we can help, however, here are a few of the ways we can support you if you’re currently in an abusive or violent relationship: immediate safety planning; safe accommodation for you and your children; advice and guidance; ongoing support programmes and one-to-one support for you and your children.
Call: 0330 0945 559
Derbyshire Victim Services
We can provide you with practical and emotional help in the following ways: someone to talk to and listen to you; someone to help you access a wide range of specialist support agencies; someone to help you with a Criminal Injuries compensation claim.
0800 612 6505/ Text ‘DVS’ to 82228
SV2 is a charity in Derbyshire that provides support services to victims of sexual violence such as assault, abuse or rape. SV2 provides a range of therapy services for adults and children including art therapy for children aged 0-13.
Call: 01773 646 115
The Elm Foundation
The Elm Foundation provides domestic abuse support services across the community irrespective of a person’s age, sex, ethnicity, disability, gender identity or immigration status. We cover the areas of Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire, Bolsover, and parts of Amber Valley. People from outside these areas can access our refuge accommodation, the Derbyshire DA Helpline, our training and corporate services.
08000 198 668 / Text 07534 617 252
Derby and Derbyshire Talking Therapies
Our Derby and Derbyshire service provides free and confidential talking therapies to anyone aged 18+ years and registered with a GP in the Derby/Derbyshire area.
Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Network
Derby Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service provides advice, support and treatment to help people make positive changes in their drug or alcohol use. The service is provided jointly by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Phoenix Futures and Intuitive Thinking Skills.
Call: 0300 790 0265
Aquarius – Derby Choices Programme
Derby Choices Programme supports young people aged 5-18 affected by a parent/carers alcohol or drug use.
Call: 01332 362744
Derby City Life Links
Life Links provides a wellness and mental health recovery service tailored to meet your needs. Our information, advice and navigation services can help you find community and digital resources that will help you to achieve your recovery outcomes, make your independence more sustainable and support you in developing your own support networks.
Call: 0800 0322202
Safety Apps:
Crisis Lines:
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to them via our online community, on social, through our free, confidential helpline or our counselling service.
Call: 0808 808 4994
Kooth provides effective and personalised digital mental health care. We create welcoming communities and services for everyone.
Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Victim First
A free, independent and confidential service supporting victims and witnesses of crime across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Call: 0800 953 9595
Leicester City Substance Misuse Service
Turning Point Leicester is the integrated substance misuse service for the city of Leicester. We work with anyone who is affected by drugs or alcohol and wants support to make change.
Call: 0330 303 6000
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Crisis House
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Crisis House offers support to people aged 18 and above who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Support is provided in a variety of ways including: short term stay in the crisis house, a 24/7 telephone helpline, community sessions for drop-in or one to one support.
Call: 0116 210 4510
Violence Intervention Project
In a moment of crisis following a traumatic experience of violence, our team of dedicated violence intervention project workers are here to offer personalised mentor and community support to all who want to make a positive change in their lives.
Call: 0116 3732140
Services available: empowering and supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence/abuse; challenging abusive behaviours and supporting perpetrators that wish to change; breaking the cycle of violence and abuse; building cohesive families and communities.
Call: 0808 802 0028
Yes Project
Support young people (Age 15-24) in Leicester and Leicestershire to overcome challenges and barriers that have prevented them from finding a job or seeking further education.
Call: 0116 257 4973
NHS Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Talking Therapies
If you are experiencing excessive worry, low mood, depression, anxiety or a lack of motivation then we can help.
Life Links
Life Links provides a wellness and mental health recovery service tailored to meet your needs. Our information, advice and navigation services can help you find community and digital resources that will help you to achieve your recovery outcomes, make your independence more sustainable and support you in developing your own support networks.
Call: 0800 0234 575
YMCA Chance 2 Change
Street-based C2C mentors offer individualised support which aims to reduce risk factors and strengthen protective factors. They will help young people identify and understand the consequences and realities of criminal involvement and offer opportunities that encourage young people to change their behaviours and turn away from street-based violence.
Safety Apps:
Crisis Lines: