Changing healthcare together
We need people, patients and volunteers, to make our research possible. Together we can change healthcare for the better.
Nottingham has been a leader in Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in research for many years. Our work with people affected by hearing loss, with arthritis, respiratory diseases and mental health, as well as our involvement of young people, is recognised in the UK and internationally.
Research changes lives
The treatments and care we offer our patients today are only possible because of research that has already taken place.
Taking part in research helps to change lives by helping us to understand more about the diseases and conditions affecting our health. Through research we can develop more effective drugs, treatments and therapies.
You can get involved in research in many different ways from sharing your experiences, working with researchers to shape the research we do here, or by taking part in a research trial.
Take part in a trial
There are hundreds of research trials happening across our hospitals every year. If you would like to take part ask your clinical team or find out about trials happening now.
Join us

If you are interested in helping to develop research in our hospitals and can give a little of your time, please consider volunteering with us.
Becoming a research volunteer can give you:
the chance to share your experiences of health and healthcare, helping us to understand how our research can help people in the future
- new skills and the chance to learn more about a health condition or disease that interests you
- opportunities to meet new people and to find out more about how research is delievered in NUH
- a chance to support the world-leading research happening in Nottingham
To receive more information about opportunities to get involved, please email our patient involvement team.