
We offer a wide range of emergency, elective and inpatient services. 

Our inpatient and emergency service includes Ward A23 at QMC and Loxley Ward (on the first floor of the Maternity Buidling at City Hospital). 

There are consultant gynaecological surgeons based at the City Hospital and QMC.

Benign Gynaecology Service

This service offers appointments to assess women with a range of problems including heavy menstrual bleeding and fibroids.

What we do:

  • A full range of options for the management of fibroids including medical management, uterine artery embolization and surgical management.
  • There are specialist clinics for outpatient hysteroscopy, hysteroscopic coil retrieval and outpatient endometrial polyp removal.
  • There is a nurse led long term contraception clinic (a stream-lined sterilisation service for low risk parous women over the age of 28)
  • There is a dedicated adolescent step up gynaecology service for girls aged 10-18
  • There is a specialist  menopause clinic

Andree Ellis is the lead for benign gynaecology. Contact her Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 57009

Menopause Service

We are specialist Menopause Service offered by a Royal College and British Menopause Society accredited Menopause Specialist staff.

What we do

This service is aimed at women who are experiencing trouble symptoms related to Menopause

This includes

  • Women who are of natural  post-menopausal age, Perimenopause, (40 +)
  • Women have gone through Premature Ovarian Insufficiency due to various reason ( Any age)
  • Menopause due to post cancer treatment ( Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery)
  • Menopause counselling for women prior to Risk reduction surgery

A variety of management options are offered which include:

  • Detailed history and individualised risk assessment
  • Counselling and holistic approach for Post reproductive health
  • Alternative options to HRT in patients who have contraindications for HRT
  • Close liaison with Oncology team and Osteoporosis team and offer appropriate advice
  • DEXA scan arranged for appropriate patients.

Contact the Consultant Obstetrician Anita Juliana Tel: 0115 919 4477 ext. 78994

Women's Endoscopy Unit

We are multidisciplinary team dedicated to the assessment and treatment of women with cervical abnormalities (screening and non-screening patients), those women where a community smear is not possible and a diagnostic and treatment service to those women presenting with menstrual problems and suspected cancer.

What we do

  • Out patient colposcopy (diagnostic and treatment)
  • Out patient hysteroscopy (diagnostic hysteroscopy and endometrial polyp removal service)
  • Mirena coil fitting service


Dr David Nunns, Lead Colposcopist, Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist on: 0115 969 1169 Ex: 54667

Sister Alison Kerr, Lead Nurse on: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 57232

Vulval Service

We are a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the assessment and management of vulval disorders, located at Outpatients, Nottingham City Hospital.

What we do

  • Assessment and management of all vulval skin disorders
  • Multidisciplinary team approach to vulval pain/vulvodynia
  • One stop vulval skin biopsy service
  • Surgery – excision, refashioning, reconstruction
  • Assessment, management and triage of complex patient to other specialties eg psychosexual counselling, pain services and physiotherapy

The Clinical Lead is Dr David Nunns, get in contact on

Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 54667

Familial Gynaecological Cancer Service

We are a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the assessment and option for prevention of cancer in those women with increased familial risk of ovarian/tubal and endometrial cancer

What we do:

  • This service is aimed at women already diagnosed with an increased risk of gynaecological cancer – particularly ovarian/tubal and endometrial cancer. The clinic offers a comprehensive risk assessment and counselling.

Families at high risk of gynaecological cancers belong broadly to two groups:

  • Those with a family history of breast or breast and ovarian or ovarian cancer alone who may carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation
  • Those with a family history of colorectal, endometrial , small bowel, urological, ovarian and other cancer suggestive of Lynch Syndrome or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). The genetic mutations in this syndrome occur in MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2 genes.

 A variety of management options are offered which include:

  • Risk reducing surgery after completion of family. Usually this is undertaken in the forties
  • Lifestyle and contraceptive advice
  • HRT advice following removal of ovaries in premenopausal women
  • Advice about symptoms of gynaecological cancer and management of these symptoms

Contact Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist Karin Williamson on: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 54667

Urogynae Service

We are a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the assessment and management of women with prolapse, urinary incontinence problems, postnatal women with third/fourth degree tear, wound healing problems and voiding dysfunction. 

This service is aimed at women who have already been through the conservative management for prolapse and urinary incontinence.

We are a British Society of Urogynaecology accredited unit.

We offer

  • One stop clinic (including urodynamics) 
  • Patient focused assessment & management options as per guidelines & pathways
  • MDTs/validated questionnaires & outcome tool
  • Ambulatory & video urodynamics, flexi cystoscopy, intravesical instillations
  • Offer range of surgical procedures including botox, Sacral neuromodulation
  • Perineal clinic
  • Excellent links with CAS/CCGs to develop care pathways
  • Compliance with national standards (including national standards)


Mausumi Das Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext:57009

Paul Hooper Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 57009

Denise Carey (specialist nurse) Tel: 0781 227 5024, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays

Jo Southam (specialist nurse) on Tel: 0781 227 5024, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays

For more information see the NICE guidance on female urinary incontinence by clicking here