If you have complications

Problems in Early Pregnancy

Many early pregnancy symptoms, like nausea, heartburn and fatigue are normal and nothing to worry about. 

However, if you have other symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain or hyperemesis (severe vomiting and nausea) you should contact your GP or midwife who will refer you to our Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit. 

This is a special service designed for those who may be showing signs of early complications but who don’t need to be admitted to hospital. 

Following a scan to help identify any potential problems, you will be well looked after and closely monitored or offered follow up options as appropriate.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, does not usually make you feel unwell, but it can sometimes be serious in pregnancy.

Your midwife will check your blood pressure at all your antenatal (pregnancy) appointments.

If you are pregnant and have a history of high blood pressure, you should be referred to a specialist in hypertension and pregnancy to discuss the risks and benefits of treatment.

If you develop high blood pressure for the first time in pregnancy, you will be assessed in one of our hospitals, by a healthcare professional, usually a midwife, who is trained in caring for raised blood pressure in pregnancy.

If you have high blood pressure during your pregnancy, here is a useful leaflet which explains what high blood pressure looks like and different treatment options which may be available to you. This information is to support our clinicians in working with you on a care plan and to help shared decision making: High blood pressure in pregnancy infographic

The Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic is for people who have had three early pregnancy losses. It doesn't matter if these are consecutive, you can be seen at any time - even if you have gone on to have a baby.

This service is for people who want another pregnancy, as we rarely find answers about why a previous loss has occurred. However sometimes there is a reason why people have miscarried in the past and in these cases, it is sometimes possible to offer treatment.

We will offer you all of the support you need and there are also a range of services and organisations who you can contact for further information, advice and support: 

The Miscarriage Association is a registered charity providing help and advice for people affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy.

Tommy's - a UK wide charity is funding pioneering research to identify why pregnancy goes wrong and provides information, support and advice.