Maternity services
Our hospitals provide maternity care for more than 8,000 women every year
Even before you are pregnant, you can help prepare your body for pregancy and birth, by making sure you are as healthy as possible. Having a healthy, balanced diet and getting plenty of regular exercise can be a great way to start.
If you have any one of the following, you may also be able to get an individual care plan for your preganancy journey based on your particular needs. Please ask your GP to refer you to one of our consultants.
If you are having difficulty becoming pregnant, please speak to your GP about referral to our fertility services.
For support and advice on how to quit smoking when you find out you are pregnant (Nottinghamshire) visit Love Bump
StubIt and Nottingham City General Practice Alliance have free services for people living in Nottingham City Council areas to help them stop smoking. More information can be found here.
“My Maternity Journey” is personal care plan that you create and can act as a starting point to summarise what matters to you and your family and how you would like to be supported throughout your maternity care. Your “My Maternity Journey” belongs to you and you can choose to share it with who you wish. It can be used to record:
• What is important to you and your family. This may include your values and expectations about being pregnant, giving birth and becoming a mother.
• Your home/family/professional life and support networks.
• Any worries or concerns you might have.
This is your personal summary of what is important to you and your care and support. You keep it with you along with any other records so you can share it with who you feel needs to see it. It is important to take it to every appointment or meeting about your care. As “My Maternity Journey” is your document, you can update or amend it whenever you feel it necessary. This ensures it remains up-to-date and accurately represents what matters to you. You don't have to complete all sections at once but it might be useful to, for example, think about what you might need after your baby is born, while you are still pregnant, so plans can be put in place.