On arrival you will be taken to your recliner chair, if you are in as a daycase or your bed, if you are staying in hospital overnight.
You will meet your nurse who will ask you some questions before you go to theatre.
You will have your blood pressure, pulse and temperature measured.
Female patients may be required to provide a urine sample as this allows us to check that you are not pregnant.
Your surgeon will discuss your operation with you and answer any questions you may have.
Your anaesthetist will check your general health, discuss the anaesthetic itself, tell you about pain-killers and anti-sickness drugs.
Your nurse will tell you when to put on your theatre gown. You will also be asked to wear anti-embolism stockings to prevent blood clots occurring (which are a bit like flight socks and can be a little tight around your lower legs).
You may wear your pants, dressing gown and slippers.
You need to bring any hearing aids and glasses and reading glasses to help you can understand the information you will be given. Hearing aids, glasses and dentures can be worn to theatres but need to be removed prior to your anaesthetic. They will be kept safe for you.
Please bring all your medications with you on the day of your operation.
You will be collected from the ward and checked into the reception area.
In the anaesthetic room you will have:
Sticky discs placed on your chest to monitor your heart beat
A clip placed on your finger to monitor your pulse
A blood pressure cuff on one arm
A small plastic tube, called a cannula, usually put into a vein in the back of your hand, to give you drugs and fluids
The operating room
When you are asleep from the anaesthetic, you will be taken through to the operating room.
During your operation, the theatre team will ensure your safety, dignity, privacy and comfort.
At the end of your operation, your anaesthetist will wake you up in theatre before transferring you to the recovery room.
The recovery room
Due to the anaesthesia you may not remember much about waking up in theatre or your stay in the recovery room, however, you will be closely monitored until you are ready to be taken back to the ward.