Rheumatology (Adults)

The adult rheumatology department is located at Gateway E in the Nottingham NHS Treatment Centre on the QMC campus. We provide services in both general rheumatology conditions and specialised clinics for complex conditions. We regularly run joint clinics with the dermatology, renal, respiratory and ENT teams. We provide a Young Adult transition service which is run with our paediatric rheumatology colleagues.

There are consultant and nurse specialist clinics which are held daily. As we are part of a teaching hospital, we regularly supervise specialist registrars in training as well as teaching other doctors and medical students. The department works as a multidisciplinary team involving doctors, nurses, health care assistants , physiotherapists, occupational therapists, day case staff, and adminstrative team.

As part of the department, we actively and regularly participate in research studies. The doctor seeing you may approach you about this when you are seen.

Rheumatology clinics

Gateway E

Nottingham NHS Treatment Centre

Lister Road

Key Contacts

Head of Service
Dr Asha Srikanth

Susan Morgan

Specialty General Manager
Sally Hawes


Dr Julie McHale

Dr Peter Lanyon

Dr Philip Courtney

Dr Ira Pande

Professor Abhishek

Dr Frances Rees

Dr Fiona Pearce

Dr Rozeena Garner

Dr Cattleya Godsave


Specialist nurses

Gail Burbage (Nurse consultant)

Jo Coulson

Greeshma Jose

Louise Leivers

Dorothy Owusu-Bempah

Rebecca Ryan

Aneesa Khalid

Elizabeth Sanders

Simone Walker


Rheumatology Advice Line

Paulette Mercer

Sue McDermott

Megan Evans

Gemma Sneddon

Rheumatology PAs

Arun Goswami

Layla Sweeting

Angela Bostock

Vanessa Clark



Gateway E administration staff

Izabela Bickla

Eloise Martin

Lauren Clarke