Teens and Young Adults
Welcome to this page for young people!
Moving into adulthood means that you will experience new challenges in your life, such as moving into further education or starting a job. Also, during this time, you will transition to our adult audiology services here at the Nottingham Auditory Implant Programme (NAIP). Just like Lillie, pictured here, who is one of our young patients with cochlear implants, we are sure you will have lots of questions about all of these things.
This page will give you more information about transition and also includes a link at the end to help answer some more general questions.
Transition to adult audiology services
NAIP provides a lifelong service of hearing support for all our patients.
Transition is a time of preparation and planning as your cochlear implant care gradually transfers from our children’s service to our adult service. We want your transition to be as smooth as possible and so will inform you early about changes that will take place, and support you, so that you feel confident as you go through the process. We will also involve any of your supporting local professionals.
As you become a young adult, important changes in consent will take place.
Below, you will find information to guide you through the NAIP transition process. It may vary slightly depending on an individual’s needs and for young adults who are being asssessed at NAIP.
Please note that the process outlined below is UNDER REVIEW at the moment
What will happen when I turn 16?
Up until 16 years of age, we have been communicating mostly with your parents/carers. However, when you reach 16 this will change, and appointment letters and reports will be sent directly to you.
As you approach your 16th birthday, you will be sent a form to update your contact details. This will enable us to contact you directly. It is important that you send it back to us in the envelope provided. We are happy to contact someone else on your behalf, if you would prefer, just let us know who that is and share their contact details.
You will also receive a flyer directing you to our website which has a range of information, video clips, links and resources to support you as you become a more independent young adult with cochlear implants.
Becoming more independent: 16-18 years
As a young adult you are expected to take more responsibility for your sound processor/s and accessories and become more independent in maintaining and caring for your equipment. With support and advice you will also gradually become more independent in planning and attending your appointments, which may be either face to face at Ropewalk House or virtual/remote (via a video call platform).
As a child your appointments have been with staff from our child services on the first floor of Ropewalk House. As you move towards the age of 19, some of your face to face appointments may be with our adult service on the ground floor . The appointments will feel very similar to those you have already been having but you will meet staff from NAIP’s adult service.
What will happen when I turn 19?
From the date of your 19th birthday you will have all your appointments with the NAIP staff in adult services on the ground floor of Ropewalk House. This may happen later for young adults being assessed for cochlear implantation.
Our adult service will continue to maintain your existing sound processor(s), which remain on loan, free from the National Health Service (NHS). However, you should ensure that you secure your processor(s) in place and keep it/them safe, and be aware of our lost, damaged or failed to return processor policy. There will be a penalty for replacement should you lose, misuse or damage them beyond repair.
Where do I find NAIP adult audiology service?
Adult services are in the same building (Ropewalk House) as the child services you have been going to, but on the ground floor.
Please go to Nottingham Audiology Services reception on the ground floor when you come for your appointments.