Arts Trails - Children's Hospital
‘What can you see?’ mural
Location: D Floor, East Block, QMC
This bright and colourful mural was popular during consultation. We invite you to take a minute to see what you can see!
Read ‘What can you see?’ mural…Mountains Canvas
Location: D Floor, East Block, QMC
Unfortunately, there are lots of artworks that we have been unable to find information out about in the Children’s Hospital – we have opted for colourful works that would spark joy and interest for children and young people.
Read Mountains Canvas…Colourful Abstract
Location: D Floor, East Block, QMC
Read Colourful Abstract…Kingfisher
Location: D Floor, East Block, QMC
Read Kingfisher…City Scape
Location: D Floor, East Block, QMC
Read City Scape…Penguin Canvas
Location: E Floor, East Block, QMC
Continuing with the animal theme that we have in a number of areas, we thought this work of penguins huddling would be a perfect addition to the Children’s Hospital corridors!
Read Penguin Canvas…Arts Trails - Children's Hospital
Activity sheets