Junior doctors will be striking from 7am on Thursday 27th June to 7am on Tuesday 2nd July. Please continue to attend your appointments unless you are contacted and told otherwise.

Our values

Shaped by staff and patients, our values are the guiding principles that together define who we are, what we do and what’s most important to us.

Our behaviours put our values into practice, turning them into everyday actions. They make clear how we do things as individuals, teams and the organisation.

We are kind - We are compassionate and caring to everyone.

We are kind - We are compassionate and caring to everyone.
  • We ask people how they are, care about their challenges and see how we can help
  • We acknowledge and treat people as individuals and respect their dignity
  • We recognise and value others; introducing ourselves, giving praise and saying thank you
  • We are open and honest about what is and isn’t happening or what is and isn’t possible
  • We hold ourselves accountable for behaving politely and professionally and we support others to do so

We are inclusive - Everyone is welcome here.

We are inclusive - Everyone is welcome here.
  • We learn about each other and people with lived experiences different from our own by asking questions and being curious
  • We recognise, celebrate and champion diversity and the contribution it makes to NUH
  • We are mindful of how our opinions, words and behaviours impact on others
  • We encourage everyone to have a voice, ensuring we involve those affected by our decisions and that people fully understand what is being said
  • We challenge behaviours and decisions that are not inclusive or do not promote equality and diversity, in a kind way. We challenge the behaviour, not the person

We are ambitious - We continuously improve.

We are ambitious - We continuously improve.
  • We regularly ask questions of ourselves, colleagues and patients to understand what is working and what can be improved
  • We acknowledge ideas or feedback, even when we don’t agree with them
  • We hold high standards and look for improvements, acting on feedback and communicating what is being improved
  • We contribute our own ideas and engage in improvement discussions
  • We regularly seek to improve our knowledge, behaviours and practice

One Team - We achieve more when we do it together

One Team - We achieve more when we do it together
  • We offer support to colleagues and patients
  • We share appropriate information and resources
  • We think about the impact of our work, behaviours or decisions on other team members, other teams and patients
  • We resolve conflict or misunderstandings as soon as possible; accessing support where needed
  • We are clear on our role, responsibilities and actions and can explain this to others

Find out more

If you are a staff member at NUH, visit the intranet to find out more about our values