Values in Practice Awards

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Our Values in Practice (ViP) Awards recognise staff and volunteers across Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust who have shown exceptional commitment to our new organisational values.

Do you know an individual or team who demonstrate our values or have gone above and beyond expectations to help you, a relative, colleague or patient by practicing one or more of our values? If so, recognise their hard work now by nominating them for a Values in Practice Award.

How do I nominate?

The awards are open year round for staff, volunteers, patients and visitors to submit a nomination. 

Nomination guide

Nomination guide

  • Your nominee must have demonstrated one or more of our values (Kind, Inclusive, Ambitious, One Team) to be considered. Please provide as much detail as possible of how they demonstrated one or more value through their actions or behaviours.
  • All staff and volunteers at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) are eligible to receive a nomination, including part-time staff, apprentices and staff on fixed term contracts.
  • Nominations can be received from patients, relatives and friends, visitors, staff, volunteers and the general public.
  • Only nominations received through the online nomination form will be accepted.
  • Individuals, volunteers and teams may not nominate themselves.
  • Nominators will have the right to remain anonymous (i.e. not have their identity disclosed to their nominee).

Winners will be chosen each month by a representative panel of judges.