These pages contain information about what you can expect as an inpatient or outpatient at our hospitals
If you are coming into hospital as an inpatient, we want you to be as comfortable as possible.
We would encourage you to bring some items in with you and we have developed a checklist to help you pack these items for your stay.
As there is limited storage space, we ask that you or your carer pack the items in a small soft bag that will fit into your bedside locker. Do not worry if you can’t bring all of the items in with you, we can provide many of them for you and we will replace them if you do run out.
Below is some useful information for patients coming to our hospitals.
We encourage our patients to keep moving as it helps them feel more positive and has a beneficial effect on wellbeing. To help this we ask you to also bring clothing such as daywear, underwear, socks and comfortable well fitting shoes.
If possible please bring your items in a soft foldable bag.
Please note that the trust accepts no liability for any loss, damage or theft of any property belonging to a patient, except where the property has been deposited with the Trust for safekeeping.
If you have any concerns or questions about cleanliness or infection control please speak to the nurse-in-charge on the ward or contact our infection prevention and control teams on:
QMC - Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 63866
City Hospital - Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 55578
If you bring your own mobile phone or other electronic device (e.g. tablet) into hospital with you, please speak to ward staff about arrangements for you to use your device and to safely charge it. Unfortunately, there will be restrictions in some settings where you will be unable to use your own device so that we can maintain patient safety. Do not plug your device charger in without staff permission.
We will be making a small number of iPhones available on wards for patients to use so please ask a member of ward staff about this if you do need access to a phone to keep in touch with your family and friends.
Everything about our physical and mental health is better when we sleep well. We know sleeping in hospital can be difficult so we encourage you to follow your usual sleep pattern as much as possible. Here are a few tips for you to follow:
Everything about our physical and mental health is better when we sleep well. Here are a few tips that we hope you will find helpful:
We are sure you will understand that it might be necessary for staff to monitor you and to give you medicines or other care during the night. They will only wake you if it is absolutely necessary.
Sometimes patients near you will also have to receive care or be moved during the night. Other patients might need to be brought to the ward. Staff will try to do everything as quietly as possible.
If you feel you are not a good sleeper at home, free courses are available to help you sleep better. For example, Sleepstation https://www.sleepstation.org.uk/
For more information about tiredness and sleep - https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/sleep-and-tiredness/
Smoking tobacco and cigarettes at NUH is not allowed. This applies to all patients, visitors and staff.
Whilst you are at NUH, please do not smoke anywhere inside or outside our hospital buildings.
If you are a patient at NUH and you would like support to stop smoking, please speak to your clinical team.
We can also talk to you about the options for helping you if you need to stay in hospital.
You can also get free help and support to stop smoking at any time:
Call the free Smokefree National Helpline to speak to a trained, expert adviser.
Call now: 0300 123 1044
All lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday 11am to 4pm.
You can find all the information and free resources to help you quit on the Smokefree website here.