Patient meals
Good nutrition and hydration is key when looking at patients’ recovery whilst they are in our care at NUH. We are proud to work closely with local farms and food suppliers to ensure that patients and visitors alike get to enjoy the freshest seasonal produce. Almost all the dishes on the main menu are produced with fresh ingredients in our onsite Catering Production Unit.
Mealtimes are protected from non-essential activities on the ward so that patients have the time to enjoy their meal without interruptions. For patients who need assistance, we do have staff and volunteers on hand, but we also encourage carers to stay on the ward if possible.
Typically, our mealtimes are 8am, 12 and 5pm. Patients will be asked for their choice of meal before lunch and supper arrives each day.
There are 7 hot drink rounds per day. Fresh jugs of water and a selection of fruit squashes are also available throughout the day. If patients require an extra hot or cold beverage, please ask a member of the ward team.
Snacks are offered during the day; ward teams will be able to share what is available.
We offer a full range of menus. Alongside our main menu we have children’s, cultural, finger food, extra choice and vegan and plant-based menus. Patients can order from any of these menus. We also have a Special Diets menu booklet available for those that have specific dietary requirements including patients who require modified texture meals and those who have a food hypersensitivity.
NUH Adult Memory Menu is our main menu that is available in all ward areas.
Eating for health
We are aware that everyone has individual food and dietary needs. We offer a choice of meals to suit those differing needs. Almost all of the dishes on the main menu are produced with fresh ingredients in our onsite Catering Production Unit.
Healthier options and higher energy dishes are highlighted on each menu. We have provided some advice on what to choose from our menu if your appetite is poor, whether you have a good appetite and wish to choose the healthier options.
The NUH Memory menu follows the principles of the Eatwell guides to support our patients with choosing a balanced diet.
The Eatwell guides divides the foods we eat and drink into 5 main food groups. Choosing a variety of different foods from each of the groups helps you get the wide range of nutrients your body needs.
We have recently increased the amount of fibre in the menu by switching to wholemeal pasta in some of our pasta dishes,
incorporating wholemeal flour in our pastry and added wholemeal bread rolls to the menu.
We have improved the choice of breakfast cereals available by including higher fibre offers such as weetabix. Many of our main course dishes include fibre containing vegetables and at lunch and supper, we offer a choice of two sides of vegetables. Fresh fruit is always available at ward level and tinned fruit is available to order.
We do not add salt to any of dishes or vegetables during cooking.
Unsaturated vegetable oils and spreads are used in our cooking rather than saturated fats such as butter.
Meat, fish and vegetarian options are available to choose on our menus, with beans and pulses added to some of our dishes to support with increasing fibre and protein intake.
The Eatwell guides can be adapted to suit the nutritional requirements of people that are unwell. Whilst some patients may require higher energy items, others may need a healthy option. The guides can be used to identify what type of foods would be suitable to support your recovery.
Alternatively, you can speak to your ward team if you have any special dietary requirements.
What if my appetite is poor?
If you are feeling unwell and have a poor appetite, often the most important thing is that you eat something from the menu that you can manage and enjoy, even if it is only a small amount. We would encourage you to choose items on our menu that are coded as the higher energy choice.
The following suggestions may help:
Ask about our full range of meals and accompaniments on offer to see if there is something that you may like. For instance, if you can not manage a full meal, why not order a main course and ask for some bread and butter to go with it? All items on our main menu can be ordered separately.
Ask for a portion size of food that is right for you. A small portion might be easier to manage.
Our hot pudding and custards are made on-site and are filled with energy supplying ingredients.
Please ask the ward staff and mealtime volunteers for help with your meal if you need it. They will be happy to support you with this.
If you are concerned about your appetite or unsure what food is right for you, please speak to a member of the nursing team. They will be able to help you decide what the right choices of food for you during your stay in hospital.
Eatwell guide for a balanced diet
At breakfast time:
Our selection of cereals and toast can be chosen as part of a balanced breakfast. Most wards use semi skimmed milk for cereals and beverages. We also offer polyunsaturated spread as an alternative to butter for toast.
Please ask for a piece of fruit at breakfast time if you would like one. Orange juice is also available at breakfast time and will count as one of your ‘5 a day.’
At lunch and supper time:
Choose options from the menu that are coded as the healthier choice . These dishes are lower in fat, sugar and salt.
Choose the mashed or new potatoes rather than those potatoes which are cooked with added fat. Ensure you have vegetables with your meal and ask for extra if you would like them.
For dessert:
Try to choose a lighter dessert and avoid pies, sponges, cakes and crumbles which are higher in fat and sugar. Our ice cream, fresh or tinned fruit and yogurts would be healthier options.
Remember to ask for an extra piece of fresh fruit if you would like one.
Our menu's
Please select the menu that is appropriate for your requirements, we also have some therapeutic menus for very specialist diets. These will be provided if recommended by the ward team.
Nutrition and Allergen Information
Nutritional Information — Coming soon. Please ask the ward team for the information.
Allergen information — Coming soon. We have all the allergen information available for our menus, the ward team will be able to help you with this.