NUH Careers Videos and Resources

NUH Careers Videos

Video 1 - This video resource tells you all you need to know about Nottingham University Hospitals, what we’re about and what we do as part of the wider NHS and how we support the local community with Health Services.

Video 2 - This video talks you through the plethora of roles available within the NHS. There are over 350 careers to choose from, to find the job or career that best suits you.

Video 3 - Values and Behaviours are very important in the NHS and each employee needs to be able to demonstrate these values in their daily work. This video talks you through the NUH values and our commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.

Video 4 - This video is about our Career Frameworks which outline the different pathways to joining the NHS, from an entry level role, with minimum qualifications and then through experience and training developing to more senior positions.

Video 5 - There are many benefits in working in health including generous annual leave, pension and various staff discounts. 

Video 6 - This video talks you through how to apply for roles within NHS Organisations and top tips for making your applications stand out.

Video 7 - Current vacancies for NHS trusts are mainly advertised on the main NHS Jobs website. This website allows you to look at all NHS jobs available across the UK. Apprenticeships are advertised in exactly the same way. This video talks you through a step by step guide on how to set up and use your NHS Jobs account.

Video 8 -  Current vacancies for NHS trusts are also often posted on individual NHS Trust websites and link to the TRAC Jobs website. This video talks you through a step by step guide on how to set up and use your TRAC Jobs account.

Video 9 - Watch this video to learn the best way to stay up to date and connect with the NHS and NUH and the main social media platforms used.

Video 10 - Watch this video to find out what an NHS Interview is like and how to put your best foot forward. Listen to some of our top tips for interview.

Video 11 - Hear from our NUH Apprentice Lead about all of the fantastic opportunities that NUH has to offer, enabling new and existing staff to develop.

Video 12 - Work experience can be an excellent way to see what it is like to work in the NHS, and in an environment that you may not have experienced before.

Video 13 - There are a wide-range of opportunities to volunteer across different services and departments in our hospitals to gain experience in a hospital setting.

Video 14 - Watch this video to find out more about the Prince’s Trust scheme, Traineeships and Sector Based Work Academies as a route into employment at NUH. 

Video 15 - Watch this video to learn about how you can use AccessAble to virtually navigate your way through our campuses to get a feel for what they look like. Find out more on the Accessable website.

Video 16 - Find out about how you can become an NUH Health Ambassador when you chose a career at NUH. This video will talk you through how to sign up, what’s involved and hear from some of our current health Ambassadors on their experiences. 

Video 17 - To find out more about my experience of working as a Healthcare Assistant Apprentice at NUH

Additional Resources

The NHS Learning Support Fund (NHS LSF) The NHS Learning Support Fund (NHS LSF) provides supplementary funding for eligible pre-registration healthcare students in receipt of a student loan. For more information please visit

The Healthcare Apprenticeship Standard Online provides useful tips on applying for apprenticeships, FAQs and Case Studies. For more information please visit:

Entry to healthcare

NUH has a long history of supporting careers events, open days and educationally-related interventions at local schools, colleges and higher education institutes and has a coordinated approach to doing so.

If you have a specific query related to a professional group please contact the individual identified by email or telephone in the Contact Us section below.

For more information visit Health Careers.

For a young person’s insight into opportunities available within the NHS visit Step into the NHS

For information regarding Universal Credit, different earning cycles and payment patterns, please visit

Contact us

General Enquiries

Widening Participation Team

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 71156 


Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 71152

Healthcare Science

Mark Lyons

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 79305


Alana Singh

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 77510

Wider Workforce Team



Jane Walton



Rob Asher 

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 69437

Allied Health Professions

Elaine Perrin

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 56995

Ruth Bunn

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 53065


Finlay Hollingworth

Email: | Tel: 0115 9249924 Ext. 82224


To be confirmed

Estates and Facilities

Louise Hill



Eleanor Jones

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 84627 | Mob: 07812268287


Gemma Barrett

Email: | Tel: 0115 9691169 Ext. 86183

Team NUH Case Studies

Case Studies Directory

  • March 2020- Natalie Riley, Programme Coordinator for Patient Safety and Medicines Optimisation
  • February 2020- Gemma Rigley- Education Co-ordinator for DREEAM
  • December 2019- Donna Venant- Prince's Trust- Health Care Assistant
  • November 2019- Scott Turner- Admin Support Officer
  • October 2019- Michelle Place- Apprenticeship Lead
  • September 2019- Chris Neale- Assistant Head of Facilities
  • August 2019- Sharon Wallace- Senior Healthcare Scientist Practitioner


March 2020- Natalie Riley, Programme Coordinator for Patient Safety and Medicines Optimisation

Natalie Riley

“My early career was, quite literally, carved out for me. Like many school leavers, I felt I needed to make a decision there and then about my eventual career. My weekend job as a part-time chef led me into studying this vocation at college. Looking back, it wasn’t my patisserie ability that led me to make this choice; it was the expectation to pursue a subject in which I excelled.

Two events led me to question my decision: the first was an enforced 6-month break through a fractured wrist. The second was the satisfaction I got from supporting a class teaching adults with special needs to bake.

I realised that I wanted to somehow make a difference and spent the next six years working in a special needs care home. My final role as team leader was rewarding but the long hours meant little time spent with my (future) husband.

I started to look at roles in the NHS. One particular advert jumped out at me: Screening Officer at the Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham.

I was successful in securing the role but knew I needed to accelerate my learning to progress further. With the help of Access Training, I undertook my Team Leader/ Supervisor Level 2 apprenticeship in 2016.

Qualified for promotion

Knowledge and experience gained through my qualification prepared me for the challenges of people management ahead of my promotion to Senior Screening Officer only six months later.

My studies taught me that the ideal project does not only involve the best or quickest performers; everyone in the team has a unique skill to bring.

In 2017, I had the opportunity of secondment to the Patient Safety Collaborative hosted by the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network. My Trainer Assessor at Access Training, Lisa Rooks, encouraged me to undertake my Team Leader/ Supervisor Level 3 at the same time.

There’s a certain discipline involved in submitting coursework on time whilst in a full-time job but Lisa was always at the end of the phone with words of encouragement. Having such solid mentorship from her and my line manager really supported me during any period of self doubt.

Simultaneously embarking on my secondment and next level of qualification, which included modules on project management specific relevance to my role, had a synergistic effect: the role gave me the evidence I needed to complete my apprenticeship; and the apprenticeship supported my application in securing a permanent post once the secondment came to an end.

“My advice to any young person facing decisions on their career path: don’t worry if you don’t have a firm idea yet of what you want to do! I had a false start on the wrong path but a switch to learning on the job as an apprentice has given me the best springboard for a career I love.”

February 2020- Gemma Rigley- Education Co-ordinator for DREEAM

Gemma Rigley

Gemma Rigley is Education Co-ordinator for DREEAM, an educational and research service linked to the Emergency Department at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Here she shares her dual experience supporting apprentices and being one herself.

“I joined QMC’s Emergency Department in 2003 as an administration assistant after returning to the East Midlands from Hertfordshire. What appealed to me about a career in the NHS was its reputation for helping its staff to grow and develop.

In the same year, our department welcomed its first apprentices but it wasn’t until I was promoted to the role of Training Coordinator in 2008 that I got more deeply involved in mentoring apprentices.

It can be a challenge for a school leaver to develop necessary work discipline; particularly when it comes to following critical procedures within the Trust. Once that’s nailed, however, I find their willingness to learn anything thrown their way makes for an entirely employable individual after only twelve months.
I derive an immense amount of pride and satisfaction in seeing how a young apprentice transforms from the shy school leaver who is undecided about a future role to the confident, skilled individual who has an absolute passion for the career path he or she wishes to take.

Beyond school leavers
There’s often a misperception that apprenticeships are only suited to school leavers. Following expansion of my role, the opportunity arose for me to study for a Level 3 Management apprenticeship – at the ripe old age of 35! This gave me an even stronger appreciation of apprenticeships. I’ve studied at college previously and the learning experience is not comparative in any way. An apprenticeship truly ticks all boxes: of course it teaches theory in the same as college; but crucially, it provides the experience employers jump at when selecting candidates.

Securing my Level 3 apprenticeship.gave me the drive to tackle a Level 5 Departmental/ Operations Manager apprenticeship. I’m only in my first year but already my studies have helped me to apply new theory to my role which, without question, will support the next stage of my career as a senior manager.

Many of our apprentices have secured full-time roles within the Trust; even if it turns out that what really appeals to them is a role or department that bears no relation to their apprenticeship.

Where that’s not possible, we’ll support our young people with interviewing and CV techniques so that they can secure employment elsewhere.

“Ultimately, an apprenticeship is designed to improve long-term career progression. That’s a personal journey I’ve experienced along with the young apprentices within our Trust – and I can’t recommend it enough!”

December 2019- Prince's Trust Case Study- Donna Venant

Photo of Donna

When Donna came across the poster for Get Into Health & Social Care she knew immediately that it was the right thing for her.

Her commitment to healthcare came from a very personal place. For 2 years, she had been a carer first for her father and then for her partner as they battled terminal illness. This life-changing experience gave Donna a purpose she had previously lacked.

Donna left school at 14 with no qualifications feeling unhappy and disillusioned with the system. She tried college but just didn’t feel like she fitted in and instead found happiness starting a family.

But following her experience as a carer and driven by her new commitment to make a difference to others, Donna returned to education at 29 to complete her Lv2 Maths & English qualifications. She wanted to work but having never had a paid job before, she struggled to know where to start looking. The Prince’s Trust programme offered her a way in.

It wasn’t all plain sailing. Donna had to juggle the commitments of programme with looking after her 3 children and initially she found the organisation and staying on top of the care certificate work to be a challenge. But when she started on the ward she found a real opportunity to shine!

Donna loved spending time with the patients and being able to make a difference to their care. Although she described her first week as being ‘straight in at the deep end’ she came to her first one-to-one buzzing with energy and eager to share how much she had done.

Donna found the ward staff incredibly welcoming and supportive and in turn the feedback they gave about Donna was very positive. She seemed to have found her place.

At her Celebration event, Donna said:
“I have loved every minute of my time on the programme and I look forward to a career in health & social care… The programme has been everything I thought it would be.”

Following on from her interview, Donna was delighted to be offered a permanent role on her placement ward at City Hospital. She is determined to be a successful healthcare assistant and from there to train as a nurse. She wants to specialise in haematology – a personal choice as it was her partner’s blood illness that changed her life so significantly and helped her find her purpose.

Donna has this to say for anyone considering a Prince’s Trust course:

“Definitely do it. It’s a life changing experience.”

November 2019- Scott Turner

Scott Turner

My story began in June 2016, where I was signing on to receive job seekers allowance with JCP Bulwell. After my initial sign on I then met with my work advisor who highlighted a number of opportunities and jobs that were currently available. Previously working in Customer Service based roles I was determined to use this opportunity to my advantage and decided that I wanted a change in career. My work coach kindly highlighted an opportunity to join the NHS via completing a sector based work academy with Access Training which consisted of a 6 week programme to improve my employability skills. After meeting with Access Training and completing the sector based work academy I was then offered taster days in a number of areas across the hospital which was arranged. My first visit was with the Radiology department at QMC where I did 2 days unpaid work experience to see if I enjoyed the area and workload expected of me.

I went home on the second day thinking it was absolutely where I wanted to be and I embarked on my career by joining the Clinical Support Division at NUH working within the Radiology department as an apprentice.

As part of my apprenticeship I began to study for my level 3 in business administration whilst learning all required skills to complete my day to day workload. A few months into my journey with Radiology I had already became member of the team understanding the complex systems they use to book appointments for outpatients. In December 2016 full time vacancies where advertised for the Radiology department so I discussed this with my line manager and decided it was the right time for me to apply. A couple of weeks later I was interviewed for a Band 2 Radiology Administrator post and was successful in gaining a permanent contract.

In September 2017 there was an opportunity presented for myself to progress further by taking up a secondment as an administration supervisor, I reviewed the essential and desirable sections in the job description and felt I met the criteria so I applied with my expression of interest.

Approximately 2 weeks later I then was informed that I had been successful in the shortlisting process and was offered an interview, from this I was successful in my application for the post and began my journey as a Band 3 supervisor, The secondment was for 3 months and in those 3 months it made me realise that this was something I wanted to continue to do in my working career. Luckily the department was undergoing a workforce change, meaning the department was being restructured which led to permanent supervisor positions being made available. I then decided to apply for the MRI Administration Supervisor position from which I interviewed for this post and was successful in securing the position

In December 2017 I began working with a small team of 9 running the day to day administration duties within the MRI department. Once in post my line manager approached me to see if I would be interest in taking on another NVQ to better my skills and knowledge within the management sector. I happily accepted and sign up to complete my ILM level 3 in Management.

After 1 year of being in post I then began to look at other career opportunities within the Trust. Whilst looking through the available jobs on NUH intranet I found a Band 3 Administrative support officer role within the Human Resources department. Here I would be involved in the  Equality,Diversity and Inclusion team and the People Transformation team.

I applied for the position outlining my previous work history and a few weeks later received a phone call to say that I had been shortlisted for an interview and could I attend. I happily accepted the interview and attended a few days later I was interviewed by my current line managers/team. From this I was successful and I am now part of the Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and People Transformation team whilst still completing my ILM Level 3 in Management.

I have since completed my ILM level 3 in Management and in 2019 I won the Apprentice of the Year award for Access Training for completing my management qualification.

October 2019- Michelle Place

Michelle Place


My school career was unremarkable in that I passed my “O” Levels and then started in sixth form (now called years 11 and 12) studying Biology, English Literature and Economics. “A” Levels didn’t go so well and my planned route to University didn’t materialise.

My career has been varied and before I entered the NHS lacking in development and direction. I worked in various organisations including British Telecom. Following the birth of my son I trained to be a Nursery Nurse and worked in a school nursery unit. I then saw an advert for family support with Sure Start, which is run by the NHS in Nottinghamshire. I was then given the opportunity to undertake role related training and progress in roles. The NHS also then supported me to undertake a degree in Health and Social Care.  Working full-time and studying isn’t easy, and the self-directed nature of the Open University meant I needed to be disciplined. I passed with a 2:1 and a desire to continue learning. I am the first generation of my family to be educated to degree level.

I moved from Sure Start to the Nottinghamshire Workforce Team, and stayed with the NHS, in a role that meant I could share my passion for the NHS. I attended events at schools, colleges, job centre events and community job fairs helping people to navigate job adverts, applications and interviews.  Due to restructuring I was made redundant from that role but secured a post as a Trainer, so I was still involved in learning and development. I supported the organisation with various training programmes including corporate induction.

Current Role

In my current role I am the Apprentice Programme Lead for Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. I also represent all of the Trusts in Nottinghamshire at an Integrated Care System (ICS) level, helping to shape the direction of the ICS in relation to its work programmes for Apprenticeships. I am an Apprentice too, studying for a Senior Leaders Masters.

My progression in the NHS from a Band 3 to a Band 7 has been made possible by the support mechanisms available for staff to undertake training whilst working. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunities I have within the NHS. Combined with hard work and dedication anything is possible.

September 2019- Chris Neale

Chris Neale

The man in charge of what food patients receive in hospital says he always tries to tailor the menus to what people want.

Chris Neale, assistant head of facilities at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, is responsible for what patients eat when they are staying at the City Hospital and Queen's Medical Centre.

Chris’s career 26 years ago as a chef in a hotel before moving to the hospitals, where he worked his way up before going into                           management. He is now making the decisions on what people eat, rather than cooking it.

His role has changed over the years from a chef to a team leader, in charge of a number of things, including the laundry, cleaning, transport and logistics but his passion has always been food.

Chris said "I develop the menus and, most recently, our memory menu, which we developed alongside the people who eat the food the most. The menu is designed for patients by patients. We take suggestions and develop it from there.”

We basically work to create dishes you would want to eat if you were unwell. So it tends to be a lot of good, wholesome family classics.

"Food is medicine. Nutrients and hydration are fundamental to patient recovery and if patients are eating well, it can really contribute to their recovery.”

Chris started working at the hospital when he was 21, said the family favourites such as shepherd's pie and roast dinner were always the most popular with patients.

However, he said they had had some "bizarre requests" for food, including dripping sandwiches and cucumbers pickled in vinegar.

Chris Explained "We are always under pressure to look for effective savings. However, I am very fortunate that I enjoy coming to work, I enjoy my job and I enjoy all the challenges I am faced with. I want to make this the best catering service in the country. I started here 26 years ago and I have worked my way up to management.

It is really important to me to show that you can progress through the NHS no matter where you start, whether that is a plumber, a porter or a chef.“

Nottingham University Hospitals serves 1,800 meals each day to patients on wards and these are created using fresh local ingredients. Earlier this year, the trust was nominated in the Caterer Awards for its Memory Menu initiative.