Regulatory information
Helpful information and information the Trust is obliged to make public can be found within this section
We are one of the largest acute trusts in England and provide services to more than 2.5 million residents of Nottingham and its surrounding communities. We also provides specialist services to between three and four million people from neighbouring counties. The Trust is based in the heart of Nottingham on three separate sites around the city:
All staff, in clinical or non-clinical roles, have a responsibility to consider issues regarding modern slavery, and to incorporate their understanding of these issues into their day-to-day activities.
Front-line NHS staff are well placed to be able to identify and report any concerns they may have about individual patients who present for treatment and modern slavery is part of the safeguarding agenda for children and adults.
The Trust is fully aware of the responsibilities towards patients, employees and the local community and, as such, we have a strict set of ethical values that we use as guidance with regard to our commercial activities. We therefore expect that all suppliers to the Trust adhere to the same ethical principles.
In compliance with the consolidation of offences relating to trafficking and slavery within the Modern Slavery Act 2015, our Procurement Department is currently reviewing its supply chains with a view to confirming that such actions are not taking place with a focus on four main areas:
We are making contact with the suppliers within these areas of risk and have asked them to confirm that they are compliant with the Act throughout their supply chain.
We are also contacting our suppliers in all other areas of activity and will request confirmation from them that they too are compliant with the Act.
We will also be introducing a ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ and asking all existing and new suppliers to confirm their compliance, as well as adding evidence gathering questions into our tendering procedures.
Advice and training about slavery and human trafficking is available to staff through the Safeguarding Team.
Further information on Modern Day Slavery can be found by visiting: