Educational Placements
Clinical Placements must go directly to our NUH Clinical Placements team
Student placement requests:
If you are a student interested in discussing a placement at Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) Trust, please email
Work experience requests:
Please email the Wider Workforce Team:
Medical Student placements:
All Medical Student Elective Placements must go directly to our NUH Undergraduate Medical Education team
Please e-mail:
Please include in your requests:
- Dates you wish to come
- Placement (hands on) or Observership (view practice from afar only)
- C.V.
- Current Enhanced DBS (Valid for 3 years)
- Learning outcomes you wish to achieve from your placement/observership
Please note in some cases a charge may apply this will be identified on case by case basis and you will require an enhanced DBS to carry out any type of placement in our Emergency Department.