Educational Placements

Clinical Placements must go directly to our NUH Clinical Placements team


Student placement requests:

If you are a student interested in discussing a placement at Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) Trust, please email

Work experience requests:

Please email the Wider Workforce Team:

Medical Student placements: 

All Medical Student Elective Placements must go directly to our NUH Undergraduate Medical Education team

Please e-mail:

Please include in your requests:

  • Dates you wish to come
  • Placement (hands on) or Observership (view practice from afar only) 
  • C.V.
  • Current Enhanced DBS (Valid for 3 years)
  • Learning outcomes you wish to achieve from your placement/observership

Please note in some cases a charge may apply this will be identified on case by case basis and you will require an enhanced DBS to carry out any type of placement in our Emergency Department.

If you do not have a NUH contract, you will need a honorary contract set up before your placement can begin.