Epilepsy and pregnancy
Watch our film on epilepsy and pregnancy:
Sodium Valproate (also known as Epilim, Episenta or Depakote) is linked to significant harm to the unborn child when taken in pregnancy.
Please discuss your pregnancy plans with your epilepsy specialist before stopping contraception and becoming pregnant.
It is important to continue taking your anti-epilepsy medication during pregnancy, unless advised otherwise by your specialist, to reduce the risk of seizures causing harm to you and your baby.
Arrange to see your GP for a referral if you do not have an epilepsy specialist.
If your pregnancy is unplanned, continue taking your medication and seek advice.
Women taking sodium valproate (epilim, episenta, depakote) should seek urgent medical advice before becoming pregnant or in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.
Women with epilepsy should take 5mg of folic acid daily. This is recommended because of the slightly increased risk of physical problems.
There are rare situations where epliepsy can be passed on to your baby but in most cases the risk is generally low.
If you are concerned about this, you can find more information by clicking here.
We encourage all women with epilepsy taking anti-epileptic medication to register with the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Registry.
If you wish to register your pregnancy please Tel: (0800) 389 1248 or visit: www.epilepsyandpregnancy.co.uk
Alternatively you can text 'Join' to: 0758509789.