Liver Clinic

Our outpatient services include face-to-face, telephone and video appointments. Your appointment type will be specified in your appointment letter. If you have any queries ahead of your appointment, including if you require support from an interpreter, please click on the relevant section below to find the right team to help you.

Covid-19 has impacted our service. However please be aware that we are still able to review patients and are currently offering telephone or face to face appointments at the majority of our clinics.

We currently offer clinics from sites at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust and United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust. To find out more please click on the sections below.

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Nottingham Treatment Centre

Lister Road




If you have any questions about your appointment or need to change or cancel your appointment please contact the booking office between 8am-6pm Monday-Friday on 0115 9194477 ext: 78997.

For clinical enquiries relating to your care please contact the secretaries between 8am-6pm Monday-Friday on Tel: 0115 919 4477 Ext: 78940


Nottingham City Hospital

Hucknall Road




If you have any questions about your appointment or need to change or cancel an appointment please contact central appointments on 0115 8403392 between 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday-Friday.

For clinical enquiries relating to your care please contact the secretaries on the following:

  • Monday-Wednesday    Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 76327
  • Thursday-Friday           Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext:71836

Queens Day Case (QMC)

The Queen’s Day Case is located on E floor in South Block at Queen’s Medical Centre.

For general enquiries or to arrange, cancel or reschedule an appointment please contact the day case reception on Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 61912

Hepatitis Outreach Clinics

The viral hepatology specialist nursing team provide community outreach and prison in-reach clinics across Nottinghamshire. Community clinics are provided in a variety of locations including at drug and alcohol services, GP practices and hostels.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust

sherwood hospitals logo

Kings Mill Hospital

Mansfield Road


NG17 4JL


If you have any questions about your appointment or need to change or cancel an appointment please contact the central booking office on Tel: 01623 672 383.

For clinical enquiries relating to your care please contact the secretaries on Tel: 01623 622 515 Ext: 6866.

For more information on Kings Mill Hospital visit their website.


Newark Hospital

Boundary Road


NG24 4DE


If you have any questions about your appointment or need to change or cancel an appointment please contact the central booking office on Tel: 01623 672 383.

For clinical enquiries relating to your care please contact the secretaries on Tel: 01623 622 515 Ext: 6866.

For more information on Newark Hospital visit their website.



United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

lincolnshire logo

Grantham and District Hospital

Manthorpe Road


NG31 8DG


If this is your first appointment and you need to change or cancel your appointment please contact Tel: 01522 573200 alternatively you can email

If this is your follow up appointment and you need to change or cancel your appointment please contact Tel: 01476 464 740 alternatively you can email

For enquiries relating to your care please contact the secretaries between 8.15am-5pm Monday-Friday on Tel: 01476 464 442.

For more information on Grantham and District Hospital visit their website.