Occupational Health Services

Please note, we are not taking on any additional work at present. 
If you are looking to make enquiries for the later end of 2024 please contact city.occhealth@nuh.nhs.uk specifying what work is required.

What is Occupational Health?

A large amount of our time is spent at work. NUH Occupational Health provides a confidential impartial advisory service to employers and their workers to make sure that health is not adversely affected by work. We support employees to manage their health at work. We liaise with employers to help them to manage staff who develop health problems, and promote healthy lifestyle choices for employees in order to maintain fitness.

Having a good occupational health service in your organisation will:

  • improve organisational behaviours and performance
  • reduce sickness absence rates
  • make a significant contribution to staff productivity
  • save money

Who Are We?

We are an NHS service provided by NUH. Our services are delivered by a multidisciplinary team of experienced health professionals based on two sites at QMC and City Hospital.

The team consists of:

  • Occupational Health Doctors (Consultants and Trainees)
  • Occupational Health Nurses (Specialists and non–Specialists)
  • Occupational Health Technicians
  • Administration Support Team
  • Counsellors

The service is SEQOHS (Safe, Effective, and Quality Occupational Health Service) accredited demonstrating that we meet the standards and requirements for Occupational Health Service and adheres to the Faculty of Occupational Medicine standards for good practice.