Pregnancy Choices

The first thing to do is carry out a pregnancy test on a sample of urine – we advise testing three weeks after unprotected sex or a condom split for an accurate result. Some very sensitive pregnancy tests can be used earlier, from as early as eight days after conception. All pregnancy tests detect the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) which starts to be produced around six days after fertilisation.

You can buy do-it-yourself pregnancy testing kits from your local supermarket or pharmacists. They can give a quick result, and you can do the test in private.

If you have a test at home it is important to go to your GP or visit us in Sexual Health Services to confirm the result.

Book an appointment online or by calling 0300 131 7010 and ask for a clinic local to you.


Many people become pregnant when they weren’t expecting it and 1 in 3 women have an abortion at some point in their lifetime.


Abortion services in Nottingham are provided by BPAS. Their highly-trained, experienced staff will guide and support you through the process.


If you’re considering abortion, click here to request a BPAS consultation

You will need to be registered with a GP to access BPAS services.


What happens during the consultation?

The staff will talk to you about all your pregnancy options. If you decide to end the pregnancy, they will ask questions to make sure that you are given the treatment that is safe for you.


Learn more about abortion methods:

Tablet method ("medical abortion")

Procedure method ("surgical abortion")

I'm not sure

Further information and support can be found on the British Pregnancy Advisory Service  They offer a free confidential advice service. If you wish to discuss your options phone 03457 30 40 30 to book an appointment.

Your GP and our Sexual Health service can also be a place to find support for your choices.

Not yet pregnant?

If you were worried about unplanned pregnancy and are not yet pregnant click here to see if you might need emergency contraception.  

If you're pregnant and bleeding

If you’re pregnant and have vaginal bleeding or severe pain, please call 111.