Young People

All of our services are young people friendly and we welcome young people age 13-25 to attend any of our clinics. Our services provide free and confidential help, support and advice.

Victoria Health Centre Outreach Sexual Health Services can provide all young people under 25 with:

  • free contraception
  • condoms
  • mini screen – HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea testing
  • pregnancy testing and options
  • emergency contraception (Morning After Pill)
  • advice and guidance about sex and relationships, resisting peer pressure, sexuality, contraception, STIs, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception.

Young people can access our regular clinics by calling 0300 131 7010 to make an appointment.

Nottingham's Sexual Health Services also offer Drop-in and Outreach clinics specifically for young people to access.

Young People's Survey

Picture of staff at Pride behind the stall  At Nottingham Pride 2023 we conducted a survey for young people to explore what they knew about Nottingham's Sexual Health Services and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). On average we had 200 responses per question.

We found... 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

  • 94% of young people surveyed had heard of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • 14% of young people couldn't confidently name at least three Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

The role of education

  • 53% of young people hadn't been told at school/college/university where the sexual health services are in Nottingham 
  • 79% of young people would like to access more information about testing in education 

Accessing Information around sexual health services and STIs 

  • 54% of young people would like to access more information about testing on social media 
  • Young People chose Instagram as the social media platform they would most likely use to access information about sexual health clinics and testing for STIs 
  • Only 38% of young people have accessed this website to get information about STIs or testing 


25s and Under Clinic

Outreach Clinics

Bilborough college logo


Bilborough College,  Friday 11-2pm

                                                                                                                    Nottingham college logo                                

Nottingham College City Hub, Wednesday 10-1pm



Bulwell Riverside Youth & Play Sexual Health Clinic , ThursdayBulwell Riverside Building 3-7pm


Please note the clinics based within FE Colleges/Schools operate during term time and are open to students of the College/School only.


All young people, including those under 16 have the right to private and confidential sexual health advice.

All our services are strictly confidential for all of our patients, no matter the age or circumstance. Information our patients give us is not shared with anyone outside our sexual health service without the consent of our patients, unless it is necessary to protect someone from serious harm. Our higher standards of confidentiality are discussed with patients when they first attend our service.