Information for patients and carers
Please find below information about restarting our research and different ways of involving patients and the public in our research. Please click on the link to view or download.
Attending for appointments at NUH
Info for Research Patients attending NUH FINAL.pdf [pdf] 305KB
Use of video consultations in the NHS
C0638-nhs-vc-patient-quick-guide-a4.pdf [pdf] 1MB
NIHR guidelines on virtual involvement
Restarting our research

High priority research at NUH
We want to offer our patients the opportunity to continue to take part in clinical research that is essential to their health, as safely as possible.
Since March 2020 we have been prioritising our research to use our researces for COVID-19 research and to cnotinue trials which provide life-changing or life saving treatments for other diseases such as cancer.
Our COVID-19 research is continuing; since September 2020 we have been reintroducing research into other diseases and conditions at our hospitals. New research is being started where we can do so safely and effectivley.
If you would like to see all of the research trials currently taking place locally you can find these on our Live Trials pages of this website.
Keeping everyone safe
If you are coming to our hospitals for a research visit, or for any other reason, please follow the guidance for all patients and visitors to NUH.
How our research has changed during COVID-19
You may notice some differences when you visit us; thee chnages have bene made to keep you and our staff safe.
Protective equipment
Our research staff will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This can include masks, visors, gloves, aprons, hoods and gowns.
The type of Personal Protective Equipment we wear will depend on the type of research appointment or procedure you are having.
Social distancing
We have reduced the number of people needing to visit our research facilities by using telephone and video appointments, or making other arrangements away from our hospitals.
For appointments that will take place at QMC, Nottingham City Hospital or Ropewalk House, we have created more space in our research facilities, so that staff and patients can be socially distanced.
As a result of social distancing, staff may not come as close to you as they have done in the past.
Research facilities
We have dedicated COVID-free research areas, so that patients and staff do not come into contact with patients being treated for the virus.
This may mean that the location for your appointment may be different from the last time you visited us.
Cleaning and hand washing
Extra cleaning is taking place in our facilities.
Supplies of hand gel and soap and water are available for staff and patients to use. Please use them regularly throughtout your appointment.
The measures we are taking are based on the most up to date evidence we have. We will continue to make changes to keep you and our staff safe, as new evidence or guidelines are confirmed.
Your research appointment
If we ask you to come in for a research appointment please keep safe and help others to stay safe by taking these actions:
- Wear a facemask in all areas
- Arrive on time, please don’t come early
- Maintain social distancing
- Wash or sanitise hands regularly
Please read the latest NUH information for patients and visitors before you come to the hospital. You can find this information on the COVID-19 pages of the main NUH website.
If you are concerned
If you have been shielding or you feel concerned about attending your appointment, please contact your Research Team.
If you, anyone in your household or the person bringing you to hospital has any of these symptoms please do not attend for yoru appointment:
- a fever (temperature) and
- a new and persistent cough or
- loss or change to senses of smell or taste
Please follow the COVID-19 advice on or call 111.