
Condoms (both external and internal versions)  are the only contraceptive methods that reduce the risk of transmission of most Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) when used effectively for vaginal, oral and anal sex.

Condom packet illustrationCondoms are designed to stop semen getting into the vaginal tract. Condoms are typically made of latex and external condoms fit over the penis before sexual activity. Internal condoms (sometimes called Femidoms) are made from thin, soft plastic and are worn inside the vagina.

If the condom splits, comes off or is not put on properly during sex you should visit your GP or a Sexual Health Clinic for advice.

Whether you live in the City or the County of Nottingham, remember to pick up condoms from your local pharmacy scheme or your sexual health service.  

A C-Card, is a condom-card that you use to pick up FREE condoms. Depending on your age, you can collect 6-12 condoms and lubrication.

If you have a County postcode, use

Using a condom 

If using condoms it is worth bearing in mind these key points:

✓ always make sure that your condoms are in date and that they have the British Kitemark or European Kitemark

✓ always keep packets of condoms and individual condoms where they cannot be damaged by strong heat, sharp objects, light or damp.

✓ always put a condom on before you have any kind of sexual penetration

✓ never use two condoms together or a condom more than once

✓ avoid damaging your condom ie. fingernails or jewellery

✓ oil-based products will damage latex condoms making them less effective

You can find information on how to use a condom here: 

using a condom

To view an accessible version, click here.

How do I get condoms?

You can get condoms from our sexual health services. Just book in for a STI screen and ask for condoms at that appointment.

To book an appointment please contact 0300 131 7010  between:

  • 08:30-19:00 Monday-Thursday
  • 08:30-17:00 Friday
  • 09:30-14:00 Saturday

You can access free condoms via the C-card scheme if you are under 25 and live in Nottinghamshire County.

You can buy condoms easily from pharmacies and supermarkets. You can buy cheap condoms from the Freedoms Shop online.