
We offer a wide range of courses aimed at individuals and teams covering a wide range of medical and clinical specialties. Delegates are drawn from NUH and the East Midlands region and from across the UK. We are also pleased to partner with national organisations to host specialist courses and conferences in the centre.

Please contact us if you would like to know more.

Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)

Upcoming Dates

  • 10th & 11th March 2025

About the course

The course comprises of two days' face to face training. Candidates need to complete and obtain a certificate for the online training before attending the face to face course. To register for both the online and face to face course, please contact


£615.00 (for 2 day face to face training) including:

  • APLS manual
  • Access to APLS VLE component for four years
  • Lunch and refreshments on the two-day face to face course


For any other queries please contact us on 0115 924 9924 ext 87095 or


Testimonials from candidates attending the most recent course

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it a very valuable experience

Excellent knowledgeable and approachable faculty. I was fortunate to also be in a friendly and supportive small group. Brilliant experience is a non-threatening/non-intimidating environment for learning. Huge thanks to everyone involved for an excellent course

The faculty were brilliant. They were very supportive and all very knowledgeable and experts in their field. They were all very approachable and interacted with everyone in a very positive way. I learnt so much from their expertise


Internal Medical Trainees (IMT) Advanced Simulation Course

Course description

As part of a regional approach to simulation-based education for core medical trainees in the East Midlands, we deliver simulation days which you will attend in years one and two of the Core Medical Programme. These multiprofessional days provide an opportunity for trainees and nursing staff to approach clinical scenarios in a safe learning environment, with consideration of the non-technical skills required for safe, efficient and professional practice. An in-depth debrief occurs after each scenario which supports development of trainees by considering both the technical components of the simulation and the role of human factors in the performance of individuals.

The scenarios have been standardised along four main themes:

  • Management of complex medical patients
  • Consent and capacity
  • Patient safety
  • Medical ethics i.e. DNAR  

Target audience

  • Core medical trainees – CT1 and CT2 doctors 
  • Nurses

Course Downloads

Course objectives

By the end of this course, participants will have:

  • Experienced and practised the management of a variety of clinical scenarios
  • Considered non-technical aspects in the management of acutely unwell patients (e.g. leadership, teamwork and communication)
  • Gained insight into their personal limitations and abilities for development
  • Participated in clinical situations involving complex decision making, medical ethics and patient safety.


  • The course is facilitated by a team of experienced faculty members including medical registrars and consultants.


Trent Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre, Nottingham


As allocated by the East Midlands North co-ordinator


Full day – 8am to 4pm.


For any other queries please contact us on 0115 924 9924 ext 87095 or

Child Protection in Recognition and Response CourseĀ  (CPRR)

Child Protection in Recognition & Response Course (CPRR)

Upcoming Dates

  • 25th September 2025

Who is the course aimed at?

  • Doctors in training who work with children and young people.

What does the course involve?

A series of lectures and small group workshops, discussions and role plays covering the following areas:

  • Recognising child abuse and neglect
  • What to do when you recognise child abuse and neglect
  • Working with parents and other agencies
  • Outcomes for children and young people

Course Fee - £165

Cost includes:

  • An interactive DVD
  • RCPCH child protection companion
  • RCPCH child protection reader
  • Lunch and refreshments

Places are allocated on a 'first come - first served' basis 


For any other queries please contact us on 0115 924 9924 ext 87095 or

AP2 Medical Students

This three-day programme for all final year medical students at University of Nottingham will introduce and reinforce the core knowledge, skills, and behaviours required to provide immediate care for the acutely ill patient.

The training comprises three separate one-day courses:

  • Acute illness management (AIM) or acute life threatening events - recognition and management (ALERT)
  • Immediate life support (ILS)
  • Immediate ward management of the acutely ill patient (advanced simulation-based training)

The ILS and AIM / ALERT courses are designed to highlight a number of areas of knowledge and ability that can be put to good use in such situations, but often it is not the possession of these attributes that equates to good management of the problem.

The simulation training day is designed to provide further opportunity to rehearse the key clinical skills outlined on the previous two training days, and also to consider many of the other factors that can influence the patient's outcome.

It provides a safe, supportive environment in which to review individual knowledge and skills in the context of the simulated ward environment, further identifying individual and organisational factors that can influence effective patient management. Participants observe, practise, and, through facilitated debriefing, reflect upon the immediate management of acutely ill patients.

Course dates

Students are allocated a course date via their undergraduate co-ordinator and will attend during their critical illness attachment in CP3.


1st Floor Simulation Room, Trent Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre, QMC


Registration is at 8.15 am. The course starts at 8.30am prompt

Finish time is 4.30pm


Bring ILS and AIM / ALERT manuals and your portfolio

Supporting Material

Supporting Video


Craniotomy Simulator Course with ROWENA

Course convenor

Mr R D Ashpole FRCS, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Target audienceImage of Head

  • Neurosurgical trainees
  • Aspiring neurosurgical trainees
  • Neurosurgical nurses

Course Dates

  • 27th & 28th March 2025
  • 9th & 10th October 2025

Teaching style

Modular course structure:

  • Module 1: 3-point headrest and burr holes
  • Module 2: Ventricular access and ICP bolts
  • Module 3: Basic flaps and fixation
  • Module 4: Complex flaps and fixation
  • Module 5: Stealth station setup/axiem use
  • Module 6: Intracranial ultrasound.

Delegate numbers

  • The course is limited to eight candidates
  • Places are allocated on a 'first come - first served' basis

Course fee

  • £625 per person 
  • Catering provided 


Please view Articles from Bulletin of The Royal College of Surgeons of England:

Introducing Rowena: a simulator for neurosurgical training 

Rowena: the trainee’s perspective on simulation 


For any other queries please contact us on 0115 924 9924 ext 87095 or

F1/F2 Multi-Professional Simulation Course

The simulation training is a ½ daytraining session designed around the care of the acutely ill ward based patient and aims to provide a safe learning environment in which to experience a series of simulated clinical challenges designed:

  • To consider individual, team, and organisational factors that might enhance or impede optimal, safe patient care in the ward setting
  • To raise your awareness of roles and responsibilities, skills and contributions of other members of the multi-professional team
  • To consider how relevant national or local policies and procedures contribute to risk management and patient safety where you work


For NUH and Lincoln trainees you are able to attend your simulation training at the Trent Simulation & Clinical Skills Centre on QMC campus. 

  • F2 simulation courses run October – March
  • F1 simulation courses run March – July
  • Each day has a maximum 6 trainee places
  • Places are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis – the sooner you book the greater the choice available to you.

What to do next

Any queries, please contact:
Sharon Martin
Tel: 0115 970 9969




Faculty Development Course

Course Dates

  • 30th April
  • 29th July
  • 18th October

Course convenor(s)

  • Mr Paul Bailey, Professional Practice Educator
  • Amelia Thorpe, Professional Practice Educator 

Target audience

New members of the Trent Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre Faculty and provides an introduction to advanced hi-fidelity simulation based training

Topics covered

  • Simulation and Adult learning -Theoretical perspectives Clinical Human Factors
  • Simulation Design
  • Effective debriefing
  • In-situ Simulation

Delegate numbers

Maximum of 12 delegates per course.


  • FREE to NUH staff
  • Non-NUH staff: £200 per course
  • Places are allocated on a 'first come - first served' basis


For any other queries please contact Sharon Martin, Administrator, on 0115 970 9969 or 0115 924 9924 ext 87095 or email

Generic Instructor Course (GIC)

TSCSC offers the GIC course on a regular basis. This is a two-day course designed to train potential instructors for their provider course. Only candidates who have been recommended by the faculty as potential instructor candidates from their provider courses are eligible to undertake the course.

Upcoming Dates

  • 5th & 6th March 2025
  • 2nd & 3rd October


For further information, please contact Trent Simulation on 0115 924 9924 ext 87095 or email

Multi-Professional Obstetric Simulation Training (MOST)

Advanced simulation courses for O&G trainees and qualified midwives in the East Midlands

This multiprofessional one-day course has been commissioned by the East Midlands School of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for O&G trainees (ST 1-7) and for junior and senior midwives from trusts across the East Midlands region.

The day is designed around a series of simulated scenarios and workshops that consider the management of obstetric patients presenting with a range of common and uncommon serious clinical problems. Provision of care in the clinical environment will be addressed, together with key aspects of human factors, team working and attributes of leadership.

Objectives for trainees for this study day relate to team working, team leadership skills and leadership in acute emergency (ref Core module 19 on the curriculum).

Objectives for midwives

  • Demonstrate awareness of the roles and skills of others
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage a situation appropriately, including appropriate escalation to senior staff
  • Demonstrate situational awareness

For senior midwives

  • Demonstrate the ability to support and develop junior obstetricians and midwives
  • Show leadership
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the correct course of action

Course faculty are senior O&G trainees and consultants, senior midwives and TSCSC faculty.


The day is free to attend for East Midlands participants.


Trainees wishing to book a place please contact: Anthony Crolla, co-ordinator at NHS Engalnd:

Midwives wishing to book a place please contact: Sian Parrish (Course Co-Ordinator):

Urology Simulation

This innovative one-day course is designed for higher-specialist trainees in urology to rehearse the management of common ward-based emergencies, whilst also considering the team’s non-technical skills and potential system influences. It has been developed as a joint collaboration between TSCSC and the HEEM Specialty School of Urology.

Objectives for the day

  • Experience simulation-based education in urology training
  • Practise management of a variety of clinical conditions
  • Discuss non-technical skills


  • 24th July 2024

Trainees wishing to attend the course should contact Stephen Miller at