In-Situ Simulation

Simulation is a well-recognised modality of healthcare education. The ability to imitate the healthcare system in a safe environment provides effective education with positive learning outcomes for individuals and teams.

TSCSC delivers both in-centre and in-situation simulation. In-situ simulation not only enhances learning through active experimentation in the real-world, but also allows assessment to enhance system quality. In-situ simulation can identify inhibitory factors on processes and staff, and the positive factors that support resilience. 

TSCSC has experience using in-situ simulation to:

  • Identify latent threats to improve safety
  • Evaluate the emergency response of teams
  • Develop teams in their own environments
  • Evaluate new clinical environments and procedures
  • Test and develop clinical policies and guidelines
  • Train trauma teams

The team uses a standardised approach to developing in-situ simulations, including the use of bespoke models for latent threat analysis in healthcare.

Do you want to run an in-situ simulation at NUH?

Contact us to discuss your requirements e-mail: