Meet The Team
To contact anyone call 0115 970 9969 then the appropriate extension number listed on this page.
Management team
Professor Brigitte Scammell - Director
Professor Brigitte Scammell
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87095
Brigitte Scammell is the Director of the TSCSC with key responsibilities for the strategic development of the Centre, to enable outstanding quality and safety of care for patients, by supporting NHS staff education and wellbeing.
Brigitte has dedicated 40 years of service to the NHS, with 26 years as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, and as a clinical academic professor at the University of Nottingham. She has worked at local, regional, and national levels to provide the best care to patients; led research and audit; and supported and educated staff and students to reach beyond their expectations. She hold a MMedSci in Clinical Education from the University of Nottingham.
Contact Brigitte if you need to know about the strategic direction of the Centre, developing new projects/programmes and research partnerships.
Giulia Miles - Business Development Manager and Human Factors Specialist
Giulia Miles
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 85808 / 87096
Giulia Miles, Chartered Human Factors Specialist and Business Development Manager at TSCSC. Giulia has key responsibilities the for strategic business development of the centre and for a wide portfolio of Human Factors (HF), patient safety, education and technology enhanced learning programmes.. She has over 20 years' NHS management experience, is the Human Factors lead at NUH, leading the integration Human Factors across the trust. She holds a MSc in Human Factors and Ergonomics for Patient Safety from Loughborough University and is one of the designated Patient Safety Specialists at NUH.
Some key recent or current projects include:
- Human Factors usability studies for major procurement projects at NUH e.g. beds, infusion devices
- Development of a professional wellbeing tool for Out of Hours service
- Co-partner in MSc in Quality & Patient Safety Improvement in conjunction with the School of Health Sciences, the Business School, and the Human Factors Research Group, University of Nottingham
- Development of technology enhanced learning and piloting of new technologies
- Pilot of a new simulation communication skills course, aimed at international nurses, to support patients at End of Life
Contact Giulia if you need to know about human factors projects, developing new projects/programmes (service evaluation, research), partnerships, business developments and collaborations
Adam Hawksworth - Operations Manager
Adam Hawksworth
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87106
Adam joined the centre in September 2022 and is the key contact for course bookings and supports the team with the development and organising of courses. He also manages the health and safety of the centre and other operational matters regarding educational courses supported by the TSCSC team or external faculty. He is also continuously looking on how we can improve and streamline the systems we use in the centre.
Sharon Martin - Administrator
Sharon Martin - Administrator 
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87905
Sharon joined the Centre in January 2019 and is a key point of contact for general enquiries, room and course bookings. She looks after faculty recruitment for all simulation courses, and organises Trent Simulation faculty development courses. She is also the lead administrator for the Craniotomy Simulation Course and provides administration support for the majority of the Centre’s simulation and surgical courses; and PA to Bryn Baxendale & Giulia Miles.
Paul Knight - Multimedia Simulation Technician
Paul Knight
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87094
Paul is a multimedia Simulation Technician primarily supporting courses in the simulation and clinical rooms of the centre. He also provides expertise and support for multimedia/audio-visual and IT issues ( software, web, social media etc) and developments
Alongside the work he does for the centre, he also films, edits and produces training videos for departments within NUH for e.g. assisting with doctors' induction programme. Paul is also happy to provide support and advice to colleagues at NUH re: manikins and models, VR simulators etc. See the multimedia services pages for more information.
Michael Johnson - Lead Technician
Michael Johnson
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87093
Michael's background is in A/V & live event technology. He graduated in 2010 and started work at the Museum of London installing and designing A/V equipment for exhibitions. He joined NUH in 2012.
Michael is a member of the TSCSC technician team and is currently responsible for technical maintenance, technical support and supporting courses in the simulation and clinical skills rooms. He is also responsible for the self-directed VR learning environment within the centre.
Katie Howick - Multimedia Simulation Technician
Katie Howick 
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87102
Katie is a member of the TSCSC technical team and is responsible for supporting courses in the simulation and clinical skills areas. Katie has a background in surgical skills training, having worked at the Manchester Surgical skills and Simulation Centre since it opened in 2012.
Tom Wiltshire - Multimedia Simulation Technician
Thomas Wiltshire
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87096
Tom recently completed a MSc in Biological Photography and Imaging, and joined the TSCSC in 2023. He primarily supports the Undergraduate Medical Education Department, and NUH’s Allied Health Professionals.
Fellows and Clinical Trainers
Paul Bailey - Professional Practice Educators
Paul Bailey
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87099
Paul trained as a nurse in Nottingham, qualifying in 1997. He has worked in haematology, outpatient chemotherapy and oncology. Most recently he spent 14 years in critical care/ICU. He has a BSc (hons) in Chemistry from York University and post graduate qualifications in palliative care, teaching and critical care.
Paul has worked as a clinical nurse educator within critical care delivering teaching at the bedside and in the classroom to post-registration nurses new to the speciality. He has provided training on clinical equipment, the AIMS course, AHLS/resuscitation, Moving and handling and patient transfer. He has always had a passion for education and teaches regularly on Human Factors. He joined the faculty at the TSCSC in May 2016 as a clinical trainer, part time, in the hope of developing his teaching skills, broadening his knowledge base of human factors/non-technical skills and becoming part of a great team of educators already striving to enhance medical education in the East Midlands. He took on the role of Professional Practice Educator (Full Time) in May 2018. He is currently studying for his Masters in Health and Social Care Education.
Laura Evans - Professional Practice Educators
Laura Evans 
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87099
Laura graduated from the University of Nottingham with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy in 2009. After completing rotations at NUH as a junior physiotherapist, she started working as a senior physiotherapist within the area of respiratory care in 2013.
Throughout her career she has loved teaching and mentoring junior staff and students. She has taught on the undergraduate and postgraduate cardio-respiratory physiotherapy program at the University of Nottingham. In 2017 she developed an on-call physiotherapy simulation course for junior physiotherapists in conjunction with the TSCSC.
In 2018 she joined the TSCSC as a Clinical Trainer on a year’s secondment.
She took on the role of Professional Practice Educator (Full Time) in June 2020. She is currently studying for her Masters in Health Professions Education.
Amelia Thorpe - Professional Practice Educators
Amelia Thorpe
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87099
Amelia is a Registered Nurse and works part time in the Trent Simulation Centre as a Clinical Trainer and part time in Endoscopy as a Clinical Educator. She worked in Major Trauma for before moving to Endoscopy where she worked as a Staff Nurse and Deputy Sister before discovering her love for education and training. She is passionate about education, sim, endoscopy, and non-clinical skills training. She did her Diploma at Birmingham City University and is currently doing her Leadership and Innovation degree with Nottingham Trent University.
Sarah Davis - Professional Practice Educators
Sarah Davis
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87099
Sarah graduated from Nottingham with a BN (Hons) in 2000 and a qualification as a Paediatric Nurse. After a year rotation in Paediatric medicine and surgery, she began a full time post on Paediatric Intensive Care. She remained here for 13 years, gaining her Post Graduate Certificate in Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive and High Dependency Care.
More recently she has been involved in teaching and managing health care in Developing and Humanitarian contexts. She studied for her Diploma in Tropical Nursing before spending 2 years in Hospital Emergency Health Care in Uganda and most recently a year as a Health Manager in South Sudan responding to malnutrition and disease outbreaks.
Throughout her career she has loved teaching, mentoring and empowering health care professionals. In 2018 she joined the Undergraduate Medical Department and the TSCSC as a Clinical Skills and Research Clinical Teaching Fellow. She is currently studying for her Master’s in Medical Education.
Alex Morris - Professional Practice Educators
Alex Morris
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87009
Alex is a registered Operating Department Practitioner and has worked in NUH Operating Theatres since 2009, in Thoracic and Orthopaedic theatres and as the Theatre Infection Control Lead. Prior to this Alex spent 5 years as a Combat Medical Technician in the British Army where he first encountered simulation based education working with “amputees in action”. Alex has always had a passion for education and taught various subjects whilst in theatres including; AHLS, Infection Control, implant safety, scrub & surgical techniques and FFP fit testing. Alex joined the TSCSC Team in September 2023. Alex is looking forward to expanding his knowledge in simulation and clinical skills and will soon be undertaking his degree top up in Leadership and Innovation.
Rebecca Bentley - Professional Practice Educators
Rebecca Bentley
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87009
Rebecca has an extensive background of nursing within the field of Oncology before transferring into palliative care in 2014. Qualifying as a registered nurse 18 years ago, Rebecca spent her years as a junior nurse in the oncology department. The past 11 years have been dedicated to caring for patients with a palliative diagnosis, both as a ward sister, a brain metastases nurse specialist and the latter 6 years as a Clinical Nurse Specialist within the Hospital Palliative Care Team.
Rebecca has a special interest in communication education and works alongside the team at Trent Simulation Centre to develop the challenging conversations course.
Charlotte Cassidy - Simulation Education Fellow
Charlotte Cassidy
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 87009
Charlie is a junior doctor who qualified from the University of Leeds in 2022, and has joined the Centre as a Simulation Education Fellow following completion of her Foundation Programme training at University Hospital in Coventry. She also has an intercalated BSc (Hons) degree in Urgent and Emergency Care from the University of Plymouth. Her clinical interests lie within anaesthetics, emergency medicine and pre-hospital medicine.
Teaching has been a key part of Charlie’s university and professional life so far, including designing and facilitating simulated mass-casualty incidents at university for healthcare students and first aid volunteers. She also helped to set up a Plastic Surgery teaching programme at University Hospital Coventry for orthopaedic junior doctors who are required to provide plastic surgery out-of-hours cross-cover.
Currently, Charlie is working closely with the Trent Simulation Centre whilst undertaking a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, with a hope to become increasingly involved in Technology Enhanced Learning and Virtual Reality at TSCSC.
Human Factors Specialists
Eva Carman - Human Factors Specialist
Eva Carman
Eva-Maria Carman (nee Burford) holds BSc and MSc degrees in Human Kinetics and Ergonomics from Rhodes University, South Africa, and a PhD in Human Factors from Loughborough University, UK. Her PhD thesis focused on proactive safety elements and weak signals in the healthcare environment, for which she received the 3rd Annual Ted Brown and Hal Hendrick Young Investigators Award at the Organizational Design and Management Conference held in Banff, Canada, in 2017. She is a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors and is an Early Career Researcher Co-chair of the Healthcare Ergonomics Technical committee of the International Ergonomics Association.
Prior to starting her PhD (2012 – 2014), she worked as a researcher in the Ergonomics Unit at the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance in Germany investigating the biomechanical and physical strain of preschool teachers and the effect of dynamic office workstations on performance. And more recently (2016, 2018), she worked as a research assistant at Loughborough University and together with Health Partnerships, a division within Nottinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust, to investigate adopting a human factor’s approach to handovers in the community setting.
Eva joined the Trent Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre as a Human Factors Specialist in April 2019. Her research interests include adopting a systems approach in healthcare, the use of facilitators and signals to enhance safety, cross specialisation to enhance quality and safety, and bringing human factors more widely into the field of healthcare.
Latest Publications and Conference Papers:
Wooldridge, A. R., Carman, E.-M., & Xie, A. (2022). Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) applications in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned and considerations for methods. Applied Ergonomics, 102, 103733.
Carman, E. M., Fray, M., & Waterson, P. (2021). Facilitators and barriers of care transitions - Comparing the perspectives of hospital and community healthcare staff. Applied Ergonomics, 93, 103339. Elsevier.
Waterson, P., Carman, E.-M., Manser, T., & Hammer, A. (2019). Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC): a systematic review of the psychometric properties of 62 international studies. BMJ Open.
Carman, E.-M., Miles, G., Baxendale, B., Smith, E., & Bennett, O. (2023). Human Factors Integration Strategy: Embedding Human Factors in Practice within Healthcare. In D. Golightly, N. Balfe & R. Charles (Eds.), Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023 (pp. 354–356). 2023 Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.
Carman, E.-M., Miles, G., Cantellow, S., & Waterson, P. (2022). Out-of-Hours Hospital Service: A Multi-Phased Approach to Applying a Systems Analysis. In D. Golightly & N. Balfe (Eds.), Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2022 (pp. 174–181). 2022 Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. (EHF2022 Best Conference Paper)
Carman, E.-M., Miles, G., Gregory, S., Bristow, G., Robinson, E., Catton, J., Ross, A. J., & Baxendale, B. (2020). Identifying work system components and constraints of cancer multidisciplinary team meetings. In R. Charles & D. Golightly (Eds.), Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020 (pp. 14–21). Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. (EHF2020 Best Conference Paper)
Ayah Ebeidalla
Ayah Ebeidalla
Dr. Ayah EbeidAlla is a 2017 graduate of the international medical program in the Republic of Sudan. Following her arrival in the UK, she joined the National Health Service (NHS) in 2022 as a Trust Grade doctor. Currently, Dr. EbeidAlla serves as a Junior Clinical Fellow in the Intensive Care Unit at Nottingham University Hospital. Her career aspirations lie in the field of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine.
Dr. EbeidAlla's unique clinical experience encompasses practice across three distinct countries, exposing her to diverse healthcare systems. This exposure has broadened her professional perspective and fostered a strong foundation in critical thinking.Beyond direct patient care, Dr. EbeidAlla possesses a keen interest in the social and behavioral aspects of medicine. This passion led her to join the Human Factors team in February 2024, where she aims to connect her clinical experience to the healthcare work system enhancements and impact meaningful change.