Our first COVID-19 trials
Our earliest trials reporting results
The folowing COVID-19 studies were amongst the first to return results which helped to chnage the treatment options for people with COVID-19.
- COG-UK HOCI - this study investigated how integrating rapid, real-time COVID-19 genomic sequencing can impact decision-making by infection control teams to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in NHS hospitals.
- Com-Cov study - the purpose of this trial was to see how well people’s immune systems respond when their first dose is one type of vaccine, and their second is another. It will also see how good the response is when the second dose is separated from the first dose by different periods of time.
- Communications and COVID-19 - this study was led by the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and gathered feedback from healthcare workers on their experiences.
- COVID-NURSE - evaluated the impact on patient experience of a combination of nursing innovations. NUH was part of a consortium of universities and NHS trusts, working together to build the evidence that will help nursing teams nationally and internationally to adopt best practice for care during a pandemic.
Medical Detection Dogs - People with COVID-19 do not always have symptoms (asymptomatic). This study, led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Durham University and the charity Medical Detection Dogs, investigated whether dogs may be able to identify asymptomatic patients, as well as those who have mild symptoms (symptoms not requiring treatment, hospital stay or limiting normal activities).
Oxford Vaccine Trial - our experts in experimental medicine, based in our NIHR Nottingham Clinical Research Facility, supported the first national trial of a vaccine for COVID-19. Taking place at Cripps Health Centre on the University of Nottingham campus, this trial involved frontline health and social care staff aged over 18 years. Over 520 patients took part in this trial in Nottingham and will continue to be followed-up by the research team.
- PACE - a study investigating the effects of COVID-19 for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
- PRIEST – this study looked at the most effective ways of triaging people with suspected respiratory infections in emergency care during a pandemic.
- PREPARE-IBD - a study looking at the impacts of COVID-19 for people living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease to improve the treatment and care for patients in the future
- PROTECT-ASUS - this study looked at the treatment and care for patients with acute severe ulcerative colitis during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Psychological impact of COVID-19 - this international study aimed to better understand how Coronavirus and the restrictions necessary to prevent its spread impacted on our day to day lifestyle. It used an online questionnaire and was open to anyone over the age of 16 years.
- SIREN - this study led to greater understanding of whether prior infection with SARS-CoV2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) protects against future infection with the same virus.
- SNG001 - this trial investigated the use of a formulation of the drug, interferon beta, in adults with COVID-19. In this trial, patients either received the drug or a placebo (which does not contain any active drug). The drug will be given to patients using an inhaler.
- What's the Story - this study involved donation of a blood sample from people aged from birth to 24 years of age to look at their antibody levels against important infectious diseases. The study was initially set up to look at Group C meningococcus (MenC) and diphtheria and was then adapted to include COVID-19.
Trials for COVID-19 tests
Developing new tests for COVID-19
- COVID-19 SEROlogical antibody (Ab) testing - examining the effectiveness of enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for screening for IgG, A and M responses to multiple proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to support understanding of the scope of protective immunity generated in the population. The study linked the antibody response to clinical outcome of the patients to give a better understanding of the role of antibodies in providing protection.
- FALCON - the Facilitating AcceLerated Clinical validation Of novel diagnostics for COVID-19 was a national trial to rapidly assess new diagnostic tests for COVID-19. Nationally the study assessed a number of new tests. Many of those tests were "point of care tests", which can be done at the patient's bedside and which often return results in as little as five minutes
Treatment trials for COVID-19
Drug and treatment trials
- ACCORD-2 - a national trial to fast-track the development of new drugs for treating COVID-19. It is a partnership between the NHS, the pharmaceutical industry and specialist research centres including the NIHR Nottingham Clinical Research Facility based at NUH.
- ADAPT-Sepsis - this study built on existing research into effective antiobiotic treatment for Sepsis, a life-threatening infection. The study was developed to inlcude seriously ill COVID-19 patients. This is particularly important for severe infections caused by coronavirus because there is no evidence that antibiotics are effective at treating viral infections.
- RECOVERY - The Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY (RECOVERY) trial provided doctors and health services with the information they needed to determine which treatments should be used. Initially for adults, this trial was extended at NUH to include newborns, children and young people under the age of 18 years.
- RECOVERY-RS - this trial investigated the most effective way to administer oxygen to COVID-19 patients. Methods including CPAP and High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) were used, comparing with more commonly used masks and nasal tubes.
- REMAP-CAP – this study is identifying the most clinically effective interventions for adult patients admitted to an intensive care unit with community-acquired pneumonia and COVID-19.
Vaccine trials
Vaccine trials
AmCOV study - investigatied why some people suffer “flu-like” symptoms after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Researchers at the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, the University of Nottingham and NUH used MRI scans to look for tiny changes in the brain which might explain the symptoms some people report.
The Valneva “Cov-Compare” trial - Valneva’s Phase 3 clinical trial tested a new vaccine (known as VLA2001) against COVID-19 and its ability to induce antibodies as a protection against the virus.
The trial recruited over 4,000 people aged 18 years and over in the UK to help evaluate the VLA2001 vaccine compared to a licensed COVID-19 vaccine. NUH was one of the locations running the trial and through our NIHR Nottingham Clinical Research Facility.
Trials expanding our knowledge of COVID-19
Trials making new discoveries about COVID-19
- COVID-19-BMT- is a study investigating severe COVID-19 infection in allogeneic stem cell recipients. It involves both adults and children of any age who have received allogeneic stem cell transplantation and who have tested positive for COVID-19.
- EXCEED - led by the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Leicester, this study is calling for volunteers to help understand why some people develop more severe COVID-19 than others – particularly those from black and minority ethnic communities.
- GenOMICC – looking into the genetic susceptibility of patients to COVID-19 in critical care. This trial is aiming to find genetic markers which may help researchers and clinicians to identify patients who are at greater risk.
- ISARIC - NUH is already part of the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC) which is working to investigate severe acute respiratory illnesses (SARI). Data from patients at NUH suspected of having, or who are confirmed with, COVID-19 is now being included in this research.
- PANTHER - PANdemic Tracking of Healthcare woRkers; this study aims to deepen our understanding of susceptibility to, immunity from and transmission of Covid-19.
- SAFE SURGERY - this study will provide initial scientific data to help determine risk to the theatre team of COVID-19 transmission via the peritoneal cavity in patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery
- VirusWatch - this study aims to identify how the virus spreads, and, how to stop it. Thousands of households already taking part; participants receive antibody tests to see if they have had COVID-19 and might now have resistance against the virus
End of life care COVID-19 trials
COV-Pall - a rapid evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic response in palliative and end of life care.
- DIScOVER - comparing disability in activities of daily living for adults with advanced lung cancer or respiratory disease during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 trials for women and children
Trials involving women and children from 0-17 years
- Neonatal complications of COVID-19 - this study collected information about newborn babies who have Coronavirus or who are born to mothers who have Coronavirus.
- PAN-COVID - this study is looked at the impacts of COVID-19 on pregnant women and their babies.
- UKOSS - the UK Obstentrics Surveillance System (UKOSS) is collecting data from pregnant women who have a COVID-19 diagnosis to help understand more about how the virus may affect women and infants.