Nottingham University Hospitals Endoscopy provide diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to local communities, advanced therapeutic to regional neighbours, and research based innovations to national and international communities.
Please see below for information regarding current research studies being performed at NUH Endoscopy.
Adoption of Cytosponge technology for evaluation in dyspepsia pathways and Barrett’s surveillance
Assessment of aerosol/droplet generation during luminal endoscopy in COVID 19 era
Evolution of “under-water” luminal endoscopy techniques
Participation in the ESD registry
AI prediction of abnormalities in ulcerative colitis & Barrett’s surveillance endoscopy
Registry of Purastat following endoscopic resection
“Sip till Send” with pre-OGD simethicone/NAC drink for improved patient tolerance and endoscopic visualisation
Site for EUROPAC pancreatic cancer surveillance in high-risk family cohorts
Evaluation of single use ERCP EXALT duodenoscope – multicentre UK study lead by NUH (“SURE study”)
Evaluation of single use ERCP AMBU duodenoscope – multicentre UK study lead by NUH (“ASSURE study”)
Safety and Efficacy of Moray forceps biopsy for pancreatic cysts sampling (Vasan/Guru/Martin)
European Cholangioscopy Evaluation of Spyglass in the visual evaluation and tissue biopsy for indeterminate biliary strictures
Remote pre-assessment and individualised risk assessment prior to ERCP endoscopy
PPP and VMI cost reduction for restocking/reordering endoscopic consumables
UK multicentre safety and efficacy trial of EUS biliary drainage using electrocautery-enhanced LAMS stents
Virtual electronic pre-ERCP consent pilot with EIDO
Preceptorship/Proctorship training of established consultants in EUS/ERCP
Introduction of “endohepatology” service using EUS to assess liver elastography/ liver biopsy and EUS portal pressure measurement (EUS PPG)