HIV Testing

In the UK you can test anonymously at any Sexual Health Clinic. You can also test at your GP. 

Nottingham sexual health services can offer HIV results during your appointment. Clinics are run by trained health professionals.  No one else will know your test results unless you choose to tell them.

Nottingham Sexual Health Service offer different types of HIV testing:

Blood test – where a sample of blood is taken in a clinic and sent for testing in a laboratory. Results are available within 2 weeks.

Point of care test (City Campus only) – where a small spot of blood from your finger is taken in a clinic. This sample doesn't need to be sent to a laboratory and the results are available during your appointment.  If the results are ‘reactive’ we will book you into GUM for a further blood test to confirm these results and will also offer support.  If your result is non-reactive we may still recommend further screening for STIs and vaccination if required.

To get tested for HIV contact us on 0300 131 7010 

You should test for HIV any time you change sexual partner or every three months if changing partners more frequently.

Undetectable = Untransmittable

When someone with HIV takes effective treatment everyday their viral load should be reduced to undetectable levels.

Having a consistently undetectable viral load for 6 months or more means it isn't possible to pass on the virus.

This is called undetectable=untransmittable (U=U)

For more information about U=U please contact us on 0300 131 7010