NAIP information sheets and rehab resources

We have produced a range of leaflets, information sheets and rehab materials for patients and their families.

During your/your child's appointment the clinician, teacher of the deaf or speech and language therapist, may suggest a particular information sheet or rehabilitation resource from this page to help you to make progress in your listneing, understanding or communication. The resources are listed in the drop-down sections below.

If you cannot find the resource you are looking for please let your clinician know or contact us at


These information sheets and leaflets are aimed at parents of babies, toddlers and young children who are thinking about cochlear implants or have recently had a cochlear implant operation.

Click on title of the resource to open it. You can then download or print it.

Babies and young listeners
Title Contents Ref#
Thinking about cochlear implants
Help your baby learn to listen Ideas to help your baby develop listening with their hearing aids PAS1
Cochlear implant assessment: A guide for parents All about what happens when your child has a cochlear implant assessment PAS2
Keeping the equipment on
Pilot Caps and bonnets One way to stop little fingers removing hearing aids or processors PRT1
Keeping processors safe leaflet (children) To help prevent your child's sound processors getting lost or damaged PRT2
What if my child will not wear their processors? Things to think about if your child is reluctant to wear the processors PRT3
Early Days
Ready to listen Now your baby can hear, what do you need to do to help them listen PED1
Discovering noise, music and songs Have fun listening to sounds and music with your little one. PED2
Getting your baby interested in your voice Grab your baby's attention and develop their early interaction skills PED3
Developing Understanding
Anticipation and turn taking Vocal turn-taking is an early 'conversation' with your baby. PDU1
Using their voice more How to use 'Babble conversations' and other ways to encourage your child to use their voice more PDU2
Follow your baby's interests Following your child's lead means they are more likely to learn PDU3
What are you telling me Showing your baby that you understand their communication PDU4
Sharing books A good way to develop your child's listening and understanding PDU5
Repetition and routine How repetition helps your child learn language PDU6
Listening links Ideas for how to use repetition and routine in play PDU7
Recognising and finding sounds Games and activities to help your child recognise and locate sounds PDU8
Opportunities to communicate Take every chance for your child to use the words they are learning PDU9
Talking and turn-taking It is importantof your child hearing lots of words in different situations PDU10
Talk, talk and more talk Different ways to include spoken language in everyday life. PDU11
Beyond first words
Expanding your child's language How to extend your child's language beyond first words. PFW1