Data Requests & Your Privacy
In the UK by law you have a right to access your information
This web page has been designed to provide further important supporting information in relation to your Subject Access Request (SAR) or Access to Health Records (ATHR) Request under the Data Protection Act 2018 and Access to Health Records Act 1990. Please read this carefully as part of your application before contacting us. You can also find our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.
Other Languages
Please see the 'Supporting Information > Other Languages' section within the 'Accessibility' section of this website on how to use your chosen device / browser to tranlsate this website / online data request form to your chosen language on screen digitally.
If you require a copy of the SAR Word Form translating, please contact the Data Protection Office using the details on the Contact Us section of the Data Reqeusts & Your Privacy page.
Please be aware that information disclosed by the Trust is often in PDF format combined and you may notice that the page numbering is not sequential within the information provided to you, this is an idiosyncrasy of our system. It is not indicative that pages relevant to the disclosure have been omitted or removed. It is due to information being combined from various sources into one combined PDF.
Please note patient records may be held on a number of systems. Some of these are old systems for which we do not have the ability to perform routine linked searches. Due to this we cannot 100% guarantee that we can locate all information we hold about you.
We will however routinely disclose records from our main patient systems as below. These have been used for many years and are nearly always sufficient to support any legal claims or for other legal purposes. However, if upon receipt of records you are concerned that records appear to be missing from an individual department or episode of care and you were expecting this, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to source and supply this.
Your scans (known as Radiology Imaging) need a specific type of image viewer to view the images you may have received as part of your Subject Access Request (SAR).
While there is a viewer included within the download package you have received it will only work on Windows machines and requires Java to be installed on your computer to run.
The Trust does not endorse the following apps or take any responsibility for them but we kindly signpost you to some apps that should read the Radiology Imaging.
There are many freely available downloadable programs/apps on the internet which can be used on Windows, macOS and Linux which do not have the requirements of the included viewer in your download package. The below guide is for one example of a free app (Weasis) that can be used to view your scans on Windows, macOS and Linux:
The Weasis DICOM Medical Viewer can be downloaded from:
The IDV IMAIOS DICOM Viewer is available from both Google Play and Apple App Store but is not endorsed by the Trust and downloading these apps is at your own discretion and responsibility.
Viewing Radiology Images from NUH in Weasis DICOM Viewer
If you wish to complain about any aspect of the manner in which your access request was handled, in the first instance please follow the steps below:
If you are still not satisfied with the response you receive you may refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner if it is in relation how data is handled or proceeed within the Trust:
Please follow the Guidance on providing identification (ID) section on the Data Reqeusts and Your Privacy web page.
Health records consist of information relating to the physical and/or mental health condition of a patient created by a health care professional in connection with patient care. Health records consist of information in several formats including computer held information and paper records which have been scanned; records may include letters, charts, correspondence, out-patient and in-patient clinical notes etc. Some of our older records may still be held in their original paper format or on microfilm.
Please read the guidance from NHS.
Please read the guidance from the Information Comissioner's Office (ICO). The Right of access applied to living data subjects / people.
The Access to Health Records Act 1990 is legislation that applies to records of deceased patients. Deceased patient’s personal representative(s) or a person who may have a claim arising from the patient’s death may apply for access to records under the provisions of the Access to Health Records Act 1990. You can also read the NHS Access to the health and care records of deceased.
A Court appointed ‘personal representative’ of the deceased, executors and legal administrators of the deceased person’s estate have a right to request access to relevant health records under the Access to Health Records Act. If you are applying for records in this capacity, we require all applicants to provide appropriate documentary evidence of their appointment, such as Grant of Representation from the Probate Service, a Letter of Administration or a copy of the Will where the applicant is named as the Executor.
‘Anyone else’ who applies for disclosure of records for deceased patients under the Access to Health Records Act must provide adequate evidence that ‘they have a claim arising from a patient’s death’ and therefore that they have a legal right of access under the Act. A copy of a claim instruction from a Solicitor, or evidence of a legal challenge of me mental capacity or similar document will usually be sufficient. Requests must be made in writing.
For living patients, in accordance with legislation The Trust will aim to provide copies of records within 1 month and this is calculated from receipt of a satisfactorily completed application and identification verification. If your request is complex or a very large in quantity we may write to you to apply a time extension to your case. We will explain why this is necessary. The Trust under legislation can extend this by up to 2 months.
For deceased patients, in accordance with the AHRA, we will aim to provide copies of the records within 21 days where the record has been added to in the proceeding 40 days, and within 40 days if it has not been added to. We will advise you if there is any delay in meeting this timescale and explain why.
Within the Data Protection Act Schedule 2, Part 4, Paragraph 24, Employment references both sent and received are exempt from subject access disclosure. We are, therefore, unable to process your request further. You can find more informatino on the ICO's website below (under Confidential references):
All individuals, including children, have the right of access to personal information; they also have a right to confidentiality. A child will not always be able to make their own request, therefore when we receive an application from, or on behalf of a child, it is our obligation to judge whether the child has the capacity to understand the nature of the request. The hospital is obliged to take a child’s view into consideration if they are competent:
In all cases, the person with parental responsibility is only permitted to make such a request in the best interests of the child, not in their own interests.
The Children Act 1989 sets out who has parental responsibility and these include:
The child’s parents if married to each other at the time of conception or birth;