Regulatory information
Helpful information and information the Trust is obliged to make public can be found within this section
The FOI Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme whereby they routinely make information available to the public.
The Information Commissioner, who is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, has developed a model publication scheme for all public sector organisations. You can view this here:
The Commissioner has also published a definition document for NHS organisations. You can view this here:
This guidance gives examples of the kinds of information health bodies are expected to provide in order to meet their requirements under the model publication scheme, and groups it into different classes of information. We have followed this guidance closely in developing our publication scheme.
The menus on the left represent the different classes of information. For each requirement we provide either a link to where the information is held on our website, a direct download to the information or an explanation as to why it is not available.
All publications are free unless otherwise indicated and where information is provided at a cost, the charges will be calculated as set out in our fees and charges.
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