Lists and registers
Any information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly-available registers
For information we hold in publicly-available registers please complete the online data request form below (Option 4) for Freedom of Information Request's:
Alternatively please contact the Data Protection Officer service below by post, email or telephone call:
Data Protection Office
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
QMC campus
Derby Road
Tel: 0115 924 9924 extension 86838
List of main contractors/suppliers
We already publish information on individual Contracts and Procurement awards over 25K here on Contracts Finder.
and also any open opportunities and individual procurements over 118K for goods and services or £4.5m for works are advertised and published via he EU Journal (OJEU)which can be accessed here VEAT notices are also published here for awards with no prior competition.
Opportunities section of the BRAVO portal contains details of any processes we run via Bravo.
Looks like there are live and past opportunities listed, however, the past might not accurately reflect the final award position.
Assets registers and information asset register
We are not expected to publish all details from all asset registers. Information regarding our capital assets is available in our annual report. For details about any other assets we may hold you will need to make a written request.
Any register of interests kept in the authority
- Directors' Register of Interests Updated (11.11.22)[doc] 92KB
- Declaration of Interest Register (All Staff).pdf[docx] 127KB
- 2023-24 End of Year Decision Makers Conflicts of Interest Declaration - Declared Interests (28.03.24).pdf [pdf] 107KB
- 2023-24 End of Year Decision Makers Conflicts of Interest Declaration - Nil Declarations (28.03.24).pdf [pdf] 118KB
Register of gifts and hospitality provided to Board members and senior personnel
- Register of hospitality from third parties