Prostate Cancer Services

Radiotherapy can be used in various ways to treat different stages of prostate cancer.

At Nottingham City Hospital we offer External Beam Radiotherapy to treat the prostate itself (this generally includes the seminal vesicles which are two glands that sit behind the prostate and bladder that produce some of the fluid in semen), the prostate bed (if the prostate has been removed) and the pelvic lymph nodes.

We can also use Radiotherapy to help to control symptoms if the prostate cancer has spread to the bones.

We have included links to information that you may find useful in the tabs below, including more information on Radiotherapy, Hormone Therapy, potential side effects and how to manage them, as well as some contacts for support and advice.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Information

Radiotherapy Timeline

Radiotherapy timeline

Hormones and pre-radiotherapy timeline (timeline is for guidance only and may differ for individual patients).


Not all patients will require hormone therapy.

Day 1

Start bicalutamide tablets – 28 day course

Ensure you have an out-patient appointment for week 2

Week 2

First decapeptyl injection – 12 weekly injection

Ensure you make an appointment at your GP surgery to have your next injection in 12 weeks’ time.

Week 4

Complete bicalutamide tabletsno more needed

Around 1-2 months

Pre-radiotherapy information group session

Session delivered at Nottingham Radiotherapy Centre, Nottingham City Hospital

Around 2-3 months

Radiotherapy planning CT scan

You may also have an MRI scan which is performed on the same day. Planning scans are used purely to plan the radiotherapy treatment and are not used to assess your cancer.

Around 3 months

Second decapeptyl injection  - given at GP surgery

The duration of your hormone injections will be confirmed by your oncology team.                           

Around 2-4 months

Start radiotherapy treatment

Meet the Prostate Cancer Services Team

Clinical Oncologist - Dr JunHao Lim

Dr Lim

Dr Lim tr ained here at NUHand qualified as a Clinical Oncologist in 2022

Clinical Oncologist - Dr Louise Brookes

  Dr Louise Brookes

Dr Brookes trained at NUH and qualified as a Clinical Oncologist in 2018.

Clinical Oncologist - Dr Jamie Mills

Dr Mills

Dr Mills has been  Clinical Oncologist for 14 years.

Clinical Oncologist - Dr Sundar Santhanam

Dr Sundar Santhanam

Dr S Sundar is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist with more than 25 years clinical experience.

Dr Sundar passed the UK General Medical Council exams in 1996 and United States Medical Licensure exams (USMLE) in 1995 and in 1997, registered to the Membership of Royal College of Physicians.

In 2001, Dr Sundar gained the Fellowship of Royal College of Radiologists (Clinical Oncology) and MSc (Oncology) degree from University of Nottingham.

The following year, in 2002, Dr Sundar obtained European Certificate in Medical Oncology.

A list of Dr Sundar's academic publications.

Dr Sundar is a member of following professional societies:

  • American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO),
  • American Association for Cancer Research (AACR),
  • American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO),
  • European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) &
  • European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO).

Dr Sundar is on the Clinical Advisory Board for Infopool, an information source created by Prostate Cancer Research, a registered charity in England and Wales (1156027).

Clinical Oncologist - Dr Georgina Walker

Dr Georgina Walker

Dr Walker trained at Nottingham 2000-2005 and achieved her BMBs BMedSci. She has trained in Oncology since 2009 and been a Consultant since 2014.

Since graduation, Dr Walker has achieved MRCP, MSc (Honours), FRCR

Consultant Radiographer - Mr Guy (Gayan) Chetiyawardana

Mr Guy (Gayan) Chetiyawardana

Mr Chetiyawardana qualified as a therapeutic radiographer in 2005 with a BSc (Hons) Radiotherapy from Bristol, University of the West of England. He achieved a Postgraduate Certificate in Independent Non-medical prescribing in 2017 from the University of Hertfordshire.

In 2019, he achieved his MSc in Advancing Professional Practice from Sheffield Hallam University and achieved a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychosexual medicine in 2023 from the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine.

I have a keen interest in improving radiotherapy practice and was an expert advisor and panel member for the National Institute of Clinical Evidence for the prostate cancer guidelines in 2019 and 2021.

I am a working group member for the Royal College of Radiologists working on national standardisation of prostate radiotherapy consent forms and best practice guidelines for image guided radiotherapy.

I am also the co-chair of the Society of Radiographers prostate Special Interest Group and facilitate and organises national study days to share prostate research.

I have a strong interest in research, primarily in reducing radiotherapy side effects and technical improvements in its delivery. I also have had specialist training in managing sexual dysfunction secondary to cancer treatment.

Advanced Practitioner - Leanne Alder

Leanne Alder - Advanced Practitioner

Leanne has worked as a prostate advanced practitioner since 2021 and has covered clinics at both Nottingham City Hospital and Kings Mill Hospital. 

Prior to this,  Leanne worked as a research radiographer coordinating many ground breaking clinical trials which have helped to shape the treatments that we have available for prostate cancer today.

Leanne has recently completed an MSc in Prostate Cancer Care and qualified as an Independent Non-Medical Prescriber.

Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialists

Hanna and Angela provide support, advice and education to patients and carers and work as a part of multi-disciplinary team.

Hanna Purves

Hanna PurveenHanna has been a cancer nurse since 1998 and her experience includes various roles from chemotherapy nurse to Research Nurse and Research Matron. She has been working as an Oncology-Urology Clinical nurse specialist from July 2017. She completed the Non-Medical Prescribing Course at the University of Nottingham in 2022.




Angela Waldron

Angela WaldronAngela has been a cancer nurse since 1998 and her experience includes various roles from chemotherapy nurse to ward manager, Acute Oncology specialist nurse and Clinical Educator. She has been working as an Oncology-Urology Clinical nurse specialist from July 2017. She completed the Non-Medical Prescribing Course at the University of Nottingham in 2019.





Contact Details

Contact Details

If you need urgent medical advice, please call the 24 hour number below.

24 hour helpline service 0115 9628066

Please be patient during the evening/overnight as calls are answered by ward staff.

If you need to check a radiotherapy appointment time or if you are running late:

Please dial the hospital number 0115 969 1169 followed by an extension number below:

  • Radiotherapy North Reception: ext. 71193
  • Radiotherapy South Reception: ext. 76995

If you have any questions in regards to radiotherapy treatment side effects:

If you are still undergoing radiotherapy treatment you can discuss any side effects or concerns with the radiotherapy team delivering your treatment.

If you have completed your radiotherapy or would prefer to discuss your concerns over the phone please call the:

Radiotherapy Information and Support Radiographers

  • Monday to Friday 08.30-16.30
  • Tel: 0115 962 7976

Calls are often diverted to an answer machine that is checked regularly during office hours. Please leave a message with your name, date of birth or hospital number and contact details, and we will call you back.

For any questions in relation to your treatments in general, test results or onwards referrals:

If you are a Nottingham City Hospital patient please contact the:

Oncology Urology Nurse Specialists

Monday to Friday 09.00am—4.00pm (Except bank holidays):

Office number: 0115 969 1169 ext. 77594/73844

Mobile: 07812 275353

If you are a Kings Mill Hospital patient please contact the:

Urology Nurse Specialists

Monday to Friday 09.00am—4.00pm (Except bank holidays):

Tel: 01623 622 515 ext. 6284

Calls are often diverted to an answer machine that is checked regularly during office hours. Please leave a message with your name, date of birth or hospital number and contact details, and we will call you back.