How long will it take?
This varies depending on the procedure you are having, and more information about this will be sent to you with your procedure information. When planning to come for your procedure, please note that we can experience delays, and as well as your procedure time there will be time taken for your admission and your time in the recovery area.
Will I be unconscious?
We have several options for sedation for endoscopy procedures. More information will be sent to you, but most of our procedures you can decide whether to have your procedure without sedation, or with conscious sedation. Conscious sedation means that you are very relaxed and sleepy, but not unconscious. Some of our procedures are performed under general anaesthetic, which means you would be completely asleep, but more details of this will be given to you when you book your appointment.
Can I bring a friend?
Yes, though they will need to wait in the waiting area by the entrance of the department. Please do not bring unsupervised children into the unit as staff are unable to safely care for them.
Can I go to work the next day?
If you have not had sedation you can go to work as normal the next day. If you have had sedation or general anaesthetic we advise you do not return to work until 24 hours after your procedure.
Will I have to share the ward with the opposite sex?
No, all three Endoscopy sites at Nottingham University Hospitals have dedicated single sex wards. The waiting room is shared by both sexes but once you are admitted into the unit your pathway through the ward will be with other patients of the same gender. This is to maintain your privacy and comfort.
I need access to assisted/disabled toilets, will these be available?
Yes, we have facilities at all three Endoscopy units at Nottingham University Hospitals. A nurse will also be available if you require further assistance.
Can I take my regular medication with my Bowel Preparation/laxative?
You should follow the guidance of your referring doctor, and continue all medications unless you have been specifically advised to stop them. Even if you have been told to starve prior to your procedure, you can still take your medications with small sips of water. If are still unsure, please contact us.
What if my bowel preparation hasn’t worked after 3 hours of taking the laxative?
Please be patient. We anticipate that the laxative will work within a few hours as outlined in the manufacturer’s guidelines, but this can sometimes take a little longer depending on your age, diet, if you have diabetes and whether you suffer from constipation. Please try to consume the recommended amount of oral fluids as instructed with your bowel preparation. If by the morning of your appointment you have had no result, please contact us for advice. Once it does start working please stay close to a toilet as sometimes no warning may be given.
If my symptoms have stopped before the colonoscopy, should I still come for the test?
Yes. It is important that you still come for the test. Your doctor has organised this test to ensure you have no problems in your large bowel. Although the symptoms may have gone, it is important to have a look to ensure all is clear.
Will it hurt?
You may feel some discomfort because of the air/gas that is pumped into the large bowel so that the Endoscopist can view the lining adequately. However it should not hurt. A sedative is available to you should you wish to have one. This will reduce anxiety and promote relaxation but does not put you to sleep. It is called conscious sedation.
Can I drive home after the Endoscopy procedure?
This depends on whether you will have sedation and/or Entonox, if you do have sedation you will not be allowed to drive home and must arrange for someone to accompany you and drive you home. Medication given during the test will prohibit you from driving for 24 hours after the examination. Please do not plan to take public transport home. If you are unable to arrange transportation we can arrange a taxi to take you home however you are responsible for the fare. You will need a responsible adult to pick you up and travel home with you and stay with you for at least 12 hours. If you do not have sedation, then you are allowed to drive home.
Will I get my results on the day?
Yes. Upon completion of the Endoscopy procedure the findings will be discussed with you. However any samples will need to be sent to the laboratory for testing and this this can take up to three weeks. A copy of the endoscopy report will be given to you on discharge and a copy will be sent to your GP. If required, a follow up appointment will either be given to you before you leave the Endoscopy Unit or sent to you in the post. Your referring clinician/GP may inform you of your biopsy results by a letter or when you are seen at your follow up clinic appointment.
Travelling to the hospital? Can I use public transport? If I drive, can I park on-site?
Public transport and parking information can be found in the Getting Here section in the main navigation.
Please note you may only use public transport or drive yourself if you have not had sedation. If you are having sedation, please ensure you arrange alternative transport home following your procedure.