Developing excellence in teams at NUH

High-quality healthcare relies on teams effectively performing and striving for excellence. NUH TEAMS is a collaboration between NUH Theatres and the Trent Simulation and Clinical Skills Centre with the overall aim of developing excellence in multiprofessional clinical teams across NUH in order to improve patient safety, patient experience, efficiency, outcomes, productivity and staff health and wellbeing.NUH TEAMS is focussed on:

Team skills

  • Expert practice
  • Advocacy for patients
  • Motivating colleagues
  • Safety focused behaviours 

The programme involves a three-year project of team training development, delivery and evaluation for all staff delivering care in pre-specified areas of clinical service across NUH. Year 1 will commence in NUH Theatres, after which the programme will be extended to other acute areas.

The programme incorporates face to face practical team training, teamwork exercises and in-situ simulation. The importance of local accountability is highlighted with the intent that teams create their own improvement groups to undertake local level changes with support from the NUH TEAM’s faculty.

The programme is based on the validated TeamSTEPPS implementation model and NUH has an increasing number of TeamSTEPPS Master Trainers to deliver the programme.

Find out more:

  • Keep visiting this site as we develop the programme
  • Follow us on Twitter: @NUH_TEAMS use the #NUHTEAMS
  • Speak to one of our master trainers:

Links to further reading: