Spiritual and Pastoral Care
Our team is here to support you, whatever your background or belief. Your need may be faith-specific, or you may simply need someone who has time to listen and help you understand and make sense of what is happening to you.
Where to find the team
Office and Multi-Faith Centre (including Chapel, Mosque, Mandir, Gurdwara, and Synagogue) are on D Floor, East Block.
City Hospital:
The office and chapel are near the Purple Entrance on the North Corridor, and the Muslim Prayer Room is on the South Corridor.
When can I use the faith rooms?
Faith rooms are usually open day and night for quiet prayer. You are very welcome to use any of them, whatever your beliefs; they are there for everyone.
We ask that you observe the relevant social protocols while using these spaces.
Contact the Chaplaincy Team
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Extension 83799 (QMC) or Extension 76187 (City)
Email: nuhnt.contactachaplain@nhs.net.